Pandemic Planning

Industry and Commerce

Plan and Prepare

Planning and preparation at all levels is key for dealing with a pandemic. Each B.C. ministry, Crown Corporation, Health Authority and local government is responsible for planning to help address local issues.  Industry and commerce are also encouraged to put contingency plans in place in advance to help to mitigate the effects of an influenza pandemic.

The Ministry of Health has created the guidebook Managing Pandemic Influenza: A Guide for B.C. Industry and Commerce (PDF 345K) and an Annotated Annex (PDF 350K) to help businesses take practical actions to manage pandemic influenza.

The guide includes information to help businesses of all types and sizes ensure continuity of operations, maintain essential services, and assist employees and communities cope with illness and its impacts.

Pandemic Business Forum Presentations

On December 15, 2005, the ministries of Economic Development and Health, in cooperation with the BCCDC, hosted an information forum for industry and commerce. Leading experts presented the facts about pandemic influenza, and participants had the opportunity to meet other business leaders and share mitigation plans.

For more public information and awareness resources, see Education & Awareness .