The Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security is a group of more than 30 private-sector firms and financial trade associations that works to help reinforce the financial services sector’s resilience against terrorist attacks and other threats to the nation’s financial infrastructure. Formed in 2002, FSSCC works with the Department of Treasury, which has direct responsibility for infrastructure protection and homeland security efforts for the financial services sector, while also serving under the overall guidance of the Department for Homeland Security.

Photo of Mr. Emil Henry, Mr. George S. Hender, and Mr. D. Scott Parsons
Left to right: Mr. Emil Henry, Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Mr. George S. Hender, Management Vice Chairman, The Options Clearing Corporation; and Chairman of FSSCC; Mr. D. Scott Parsons, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Compliance Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury

  Photo of Mr. Albert Wood
Mr. Albert Wood, Executive Vice President, Information Technology and Operations of The Clearing House in New York and Vice Chairman of FSSCC