


Crest. © 2005 Halifax Regional Police
Leading and partnering
in our community
to serve and protect.

Leading and Partnering in our Community to Serve and Protect. © 2005 Halifax Regional Police
Seniors' Safety

The needs of our senior citizens vary widely, depending on the individual concerned.  Many seniors lead highly active lifestyles, and some travel extensively and for prolonged periods of time.  Still others, due to medical conditions or other factors, are highly dependent on friends and family.

Obviously, it is difficult to provide one blanket solution for all crime prevention problems, however, we offer the following tips:

Preventative Measures

  • Instead of receiving cheques through the mail on a regular basis, arrange to have them directly deposited to your bank account.
  • Arrange to have your rent and other monthly bills automatically deducted from your bank account.
  • Never carry large sums of money or valuables on you or in your purse.
  • When opening your purse in a store or bank, never allow anyone else to see how much money you are carrying.
  • Don't leave purses unattended in shopping carts or on store counters.
  • If someone grabs your purse, don't resist.
  • Use a buddy system when going to the bank or shopping.


  • Fraud is often directed at senior citizens because the con artist will take advantage of circumstances that make seniors more vulnerable.  Financial situations, health needs or the reliance on others to do home repairs can make seniors potential targets of scams.

To Protect Yourself

  • Check and verify the identify of all visitors or salespeople to your home.
  • Don't do business with people who approach you first.
  • If you are asked to sign any documents or cheques, ensure that it is for a legitimate reason.  If in doubt, contact a trusted friend, lawyer or police.
  • Do not call a 900 number.  These phone numbers are not free.
  • Never give your credit card number, banking information or social insurance number to anyone for verification purposes.

Other Scams

  • The Home Repair Person - will offer you a free inspection and then advise you need major work done immediately.  All that is needed is cash in advance.  If confronted with this situation, you should obtain references (visit other homes where the contractor has done similar work), obtain a detailed written contract (including work to be completed, completion date, price) and check their credentials with the Better Business Bureau.
  • The Service Person - will try to come into your home to check your phone lines, gas lines, etc.  Don't open your door to strangers.  Call and verify the information.  Most legitimate companies will call for an appointment.
  • The Phony Bank Inspector or Police Officer - will request you withdraw cash to help them catch a dishonest employee.  You'll turn over cash to this party and never see it again.  No financial institution or police department requests customers to withdraw cash for investigative purposes.
  • Telephone Fraud - someone you don't know will call you with an offer too good to refuse.  You can either send cash or pay using your credit card.  You wait for the product to arrive but it never does or it's not quite what you expected.
  • Free Trip/Prize Scam - you receive a call or letter congratulating you for winning a boat, car or a trip.  To collect the prize you must pay a serving fee or tax.  You send in your money but you will never see your prize.  No legitimate contest requires you to pay money to claim a prize.
  • Medical Fraud - Seniors are targeted for alleged good deals on health and medical items.  Take the information and ask your doctor for advice.

Golden Rule - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


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