
Government investing up to $4.2 million in flu vaccinations (06/10/31)

NB 1334

Oct. 31, 2006

FREDERICTON (CNB) - The New Brunswick government will invest up to $4.2 million this fall to purchase and deliver publicly funded flu vaccines to infants, seniors and others at high risk of complications from influenza, Health Minister Mike Murphy said today.

"Vaccination is recognized as the single most effective way of reducing the impact of influenza, especially for those most at risk of complications," Murphy said. "This is why the government, as part of our commitment to a Healthy New Brunswick, urges every New Brunswicker who is eligible for the publicly funded program to be vaccinated this fall."

Among those eligible for the publicly funded program are babies between the ages of six and 23 months and those age 65 and over.

Dr. Wayne MacDonald, Provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health, said the flu vaccine has to be adjusted annually to accommodate changes in the influenza virus. "This is why a new vaccine must be administered every year to provide protection against emerging strains of the virus and also because immunity from the flu shot lasts less than one year," he said.

Infants between six and 23 months and seniors age 65 years and older can receive the flu vaccine from either the VON or their family physician. Individuals between two and 65 years of age who may be at high risk of complications from the flu should consult with their family physician.

Those eligible for the publicly funded flu vaccine include:

Additional information on the flu can be found at, keyword: Health.


MEDIA CONTACT: Johanne Le Blanc, communications, Health, 506-457-3513.


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