HealthyOntario Search Results

Searched for Children 2450 Results Found.  (0.289995 seconds)
Showing Results 1 - 20 - Consumer health information and health ...
Hallowe’en is a treat for children … but it can be nightmare for teeth! All those
sugary treats can ... Government & Non-profit Health Services for Children ... - Health Tip: Keep Children Away From ... - It can damage their lungsTobacco smoke is not only harmful
to those who are actually smoking, but also to nonsmokers who breathe the ... - Consumer health information and health ...
Children; Men; Women; Seniors; Conditions; Drugs; Services; Fitness ... Help Predict
Psychosis in Children. - (HealthDay News) . ... - Breast Is Best for Reducing Stress
Not surprisingly, children whose parents had divorced or separated were more ...
Even after accounting for those factors, breastfed children were less ... - 5 Factors Help Predict Psychosis in Children
Jan 10, 2008 ... - (HealthDay News) - It may be possible to predict who will
develop psychotic illnesses, such as schizophrenia and ... - Health Tip: Constipation in Children - A better diet may helpChildren are considered constipated
if they have fewer than three bowel movements a week, or their stools are ... - Bedwetting - Bedwetting is common for children, affecting more boys ...
The condition occurs in 30% of children at the age of 4, 10% at the age of 6 ... - Fever
Temperature readings taken rectally are considered more reliable than oral
readings, particularly in the case of children and adults who are mouth-breathers ... - Croup
Croup is a common problem that affects approximately 3% of children. ... Croup is
most common in children under the age of 5 years, but can occur in ... - A Happy Halloween Means Safety First
Oct 30, 2007 ... An average of four deaths among children aged 5 to 14 years occurred on Halloween
between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. every year from 1975 through ... - Hormone Imbalance Could Spur Some Bed Wetting
An imbalance in a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin could explain
tough-to-treat bed-wetting in some children, Danish researchers report. ... - Nutrition Edition - Part 2
3 to 6 servings for children (between the ages of 2 and 13) ... For milk products,
the recommended daily range is 2 to 4 servings for children and teens, ... - Vaccination and Your Child - Part 1
Canadian children can be protected against dangerous childhood diseases ....
Talk to your child's doctor about vaccination schedules for older children. ... - Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki disease, also called Kawasaki syndrome, is the leading cause of acquired
heart disease in children in the developed world. ... - Down Syndrome
Children with Down syndrome may have other health complications besides the usual
childhood illnesses. No individual with the condition will have all the ... - Cystic Fibrosis
Even if they eat a normal diet, children with CF may be smaller than others of
the same ... Children with CF may reach puberty at a later age than normal. ... - Novo-Pheniram
Children: The safety and effectiveness of using this medication have not been
... Do not give the tablet or syrup to children under 2 years of age unless ... - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
In many cases, ADHD appears to be largely genetic, since children with ADHD are 4
... More than 50% of children with Tourette's are also diagnosed with ADHD ... - Claritin
Children: The safety and efficacy of loratadine in children younger than 2 ...
Therefore, loratadine should not be used by children less than two years of ... - Are You Ready for an Emergency? Part 2
Note: CPR techniques are similar for adults and children over 1 year of age, ...
For information about CPR on children under 1 year of ageor any other ...

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