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Industrial Science and Technology Working Group  
Industrial Science and Technology Working Group  

The Industrial Science and Technology Working Group's (ISTWG) objective is to fulfill the APEC vision for the 21st century, being a dynamic and prosperous Asia-Pacific region built on the development and application of industrial science and technology that improves the quality of life while safeguarding the natural environment and achieving sustainable development. In its first ISTWG Medium-term Workplan (MTWP), the following issues/themes have been identified for future work -

  • Connecting Research and Innovation.
  • Human Capacity Building for S&T; for the New Economy.
  • Establishing an APEC S&T; Policy Forum.
  • Expanding APEC Cooperation in Key Technologies for the 21st century.
  • Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases.
  • Science, Technology, and Innovation to meet the Environmental Challenge.

Latest Developments

30th ISTWG meeting was held on 28-29 March 2006 in Manila, the Philippines. New project proposals seeking 2007 funding were discussed, including building a roadmap for converging technologies to combat emerging infectious diseases, human capacity building for natural resources development and its environmental impact in APEC region, and training for management and technology of industrial waste resources. Projects implemented for responding to the tasks resulting from 4th Science Ministers' Meeting were presented and discussed. The terms of reference for the ISTWG and its work plan was endorsed by the group for its future work.

The 29th ISTWG meeting was held on 27-28 October 2005 at the APEC Secretariat in Singapore. Follow-up actions from the 4th Science Ministers' Meeting were reviewed at the meeting. Project proposals implemented by members were presented and reviewed, including the project on "Participation of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering and Technology Workforce", "APEC-EqTAP Seminar on Earthquake and Tsunami," APEC Science Center Impact Project, APEC Center for Technology Foresight, Cyber Education and Training System on Science and Technology for Prospective Young Scientists, and APEC-ISTI Database project. (

The 28th ISTWG meeting was held on 15-16 March 2005 in Gwangju, Korea. The meeting reviewed follow-up actions taken after the 27th meeting by members to implement the outcomes of the 4th Science Ministers' Meeting, the role of sub-groups, and new project proposals for 2006. Members also discussed what the ISTWG can contribute in response to natural disasters, such as the Indian Ocean tsunami.
In the 27th ISTWG meeting, it was agreed that sustainability is a cross-cutting issue that should be addressed in each of the four sub-groups and that there may be a broader APEC-wide role for ISTWG in this area. An "Ad Hoc Task Force" was formed to address the issue of sustainability.


Key Outcomes
At the 28th meeting members endorsed the functions and operations of APCC to implement an institutionalized communication channel for more effective exchange of regional climate information among member economies. The APEC Climate Center ( was established and opened in Busan, Korea in November 2005 in conjunction with the Leaders Meeting.

In response to the impact of environmental loading brought about by the enormous application of electrical and electronic equipment and the waste generated, the issues of "High Tech and electronic Wasted Recycling/Green Products" was discussed at the 28th meeting. Two major areas of activities were agreed, which will promote environmental awareness and competitiveness among the industries in APEC economies. These are: (1) Setting up joint reliability test programs of "green materials" based on science and technology approaches, and (2) Fostering "train the trainers' cooperative programs to enhance the capabilities of SMEs in the electrical and electronic industries in APEC.

At the 28th meeting, members supported the establishment of Electronic Molecular Biology Network (eIMBL). The eIMBL will help economies to fulfill the mission and objective of A-IMBN, the priority APEC initiative adopted at the 13th ISTWG meeting in 1998. In order to reduce disparities between the IT industries of member economies through multilateral learning and experience sharing activities, to strengthen the economic and technical cooperation and growth among member economies, members also supported the APEC Technology Innovation Collaboration (TIC-100) Conference held in August 2005.

The APEC-EqTAP Seminar on Earthquake and Tsunami was successfully held on 27-28 September 2005 in Jakarta. It dealt with both earthquake disasters and tsunami disasters. Major outputs include greenbelt technologies for tsunami disaster reduction and effective methods of seismic enhancement of masonry houses, which are directly relevant to major issues raised by the earthquake and tsunami disaster of 26 December 2004 as well as the subsequent earthquake disaster of 28 March 2005 caused by the events that took place near Sumatra. The Seminar provided the participants with a timely information source for appropriate disaster reduction technologies. The Seminar was concluded with future perspective and proposed framework of collaboration in utilizing available resources and human network.

At the 27th meeting, members supported the establishment of APEC Climate Center (APCC) to systematically implement its mandated role and effectively meet the challenges ahead.


Brief History
The ISTWG has evolved from the Working Group on Expansion of Investment and Technology Transfer, which was formed at the
APEC Ministerial Meeting in Singapore in 1990. The policy directions of ISTWG were set by APEC Economic Leaders, and are guided by APEC Ministers responsible for Science and Technology.

In 1997, the Leaders called for APEC fora to review their mandates and at the 14th ISTWG meeting on 17-18 March 1998 a new version of the ISTWG action agenda was finalised. Six key priorities were adopted including improved availability of information; improved human resources development; improved business climate; contribution to sustainable development; enhanced policy dialogue and review; and facilitation of networks and partnership.

ISTWG's activities are focused on the implementation of three major initiatives - the APEC Agenda for S&T Industry Cooperation for the 21st Century, the Mexico Declaration and the Cleaner Production Strategy. After the 4th Science Ministers' meeting, the work of the ISTWG will follow the tasking from the Ministerial Statement on the ISTWG Work Programme.


Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG) - Key Contacts

Lead Shepherd
Dr Yasuyuki Yagi
International Affairs Office
Science & Technology Policy and Environment METI
Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry
1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8921
Tel: (81 3) 3501 6011
Fax: (81 3) 3580 8025

APEC Secretariat

Mr Timothy Hsiang
Director (Program)


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ISTWG Publications
2005 APEC Fora Reports to the Third Senior Officials' Meeting
(PDF,668 Kb)
APEC Agenda for Science and Industry Cooperation in the 21st Century
(PDF,132 Kb)
External Related Links
APEC Industrial Science and Technology Working Group
APEC Emerging Infections Network
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