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City Departments

Here you will find a listing of City Departments. Just click on the department or use the "search" to find what you're looking for.  For a quick reference of City Services, view the Guide to City Services publication.

City Clerk

Environmental Services

FCSS (Family and Community Support Services)

Financial Services

Human Resources

Parks Planning, Recreation & Culture

Planning and Development

Protective Services


If you experience any difficulties using this site or have comments on the website, please contact the webmaster

Quick Links
Group Services

Facility Fees and Charges

Employment Opportunities

Seniors Newsletter

Land Use Bylaw

Land Use Map

City Maps

Hot Topics
Municipal/Council Grant Program

2006 Tax Rate Bylaw

2005 Financial Statements

Animal Licences

Business Licences

Drug Action Committee

Black Gold Centre

Day Camps - 11/01/06

Check out the Events Calendar for a complete list of events!