Healthy Weights, Healthy Lives

A Message from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Healthy Ontario provides Ontarians with a world-leading web destination for trusted health information, services and advice for healthier living.

Health Canada

Health Canada is the Federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices and circumstances.

Canadian Health Network

The CHN is a national, bilingual health promotion service brought to you by the Public Health Agency of Canada and major health organizations across Canada. The CHN offers dependable, up-to-date information on health promotion and disease and injury prevention, to help individuals and communities make healthy choices that improve the quality of their life.

Dietitians of Canada
DC is the nation-wide voice of dietitians - the most trusted source of information on food and nutrition for Canadians.

Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
OPC facilitates and empowers individuals, groups and communities to work towards the realization of their social, emotional, physical and environmental health and well-being.
Prepare yourself for a valuable safety resource – the Prevent-it Kit. It will demonstrate that a safe work environment is your right and your responsibility. Use it to help build a culture of prevention in your workplace by sharing your knowledge with your co-workers, friends and family.
A youth-oriented website that profiles individual success stories, programs and services and provides important information on education, health, work, coming of age and recreation.

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act

The McGuinty government is protecting the health of all Ontarians by prohibiting smoking in all enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places in Ontario as of May 31, 2006.

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

The ministry is responsible for administering the health care system and providing services to the Ontario public through such programs as health insurance, drug benefits, assistive devices, care for the mentally ill, long-term care, home care, community and public health, and health promotion and disease prevention.

Service Ontario
ServiceOntario is now making it easy for you to access the information, services and resources you need, when and how you need them. Whether you’re getting married, starting a business or want to learn more about your workplace or industry,

Active 2010

ACTIVE2010 is a comprehensive strategy to increase participation in sport and physical activity throughout Ontario.

Pause To Play

Pause to PLAY will use a mix of advertising featuring sports considered attractive to youth to increase awareness of the benefits of physical activity and to motivate young people to put their computers on pause and to play a sport.

Ontario Trails Strategy

A world-class system of trails that captures the uniqueness and beauty of Ontario’s vast open spaces and natural and built cultural/heritage resources.

Results-based Plan Briefing Book 2006-07
Information on the Ministry of Health Promtion's mandate and expenditures.