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British Columbia Inter-Agency
Emergency Preparedness Council (IEPC)

The mandate of the Inter-Agency Emergency Preparedness Council was formalized in the Emergency Program Management Regulation B.C. Reg. 477/94 pursuant to the Emergency Program Act, 1996.

From the Emergency Program Management Regulation, Section 5:

In order to facilitate the coordination of the plans and procedures referred to in section 3, every minister referred to in Schedule 2 must appoint one representative to a committee to be known as the Inter-Agency Emergency Preparedness Council.

At the request of the council, a minister responsible for any designated government corporation or other government agency may appoint a representative from a government corporation or other government agency for which the minister has responsibility.

The council must meet at least twice a year.

The Provincial Emergency Program must
  1. provide a representative to act as co-chair to the council,
  2. provide a representative to act as the council's secretary, and
  3. provide a reasonable level of funding to support the operations of the council.

The other co-chair for the council must be selected on an annual basis by the council.

The council must, at the request of and in the manner and at the times required by the Lieutenant Governor in Council or the minister, report to the minister on
  1. the activities of the council since the date of its last report or for such other period as may be required, and
  2. any other matters specified in the request.

The council must
  1. recommend emergency preparedness, response and recovery measures to each minister, and
  2. provide to each minister referred to in Schedule 2 the assistance necessary to ensure that that minister's emergency plans and procedures are coordinated and consistent with the plans and procedures of all other ministers and with the govemment's overall emergency preparedness strategies.

The IEPC is co-chaired by the Director, Provincial Emergency Program (permanent basis) and by the representative of any other member ministry or agency (rotating on an annual basis).

Many of the strategies and plans on the PEP Website have been developed either by the IEPC or through the cooperative efforts of several IEPC members. You are referred to the "Emergency Management", "Hazard Plans" and "BCERMS Manuals" menu items at left to view or download copies of these documents.

Many IEPC member ministries and agencies have web pages which have emergencies (and preparedness for emergencies) as their theme. Follow this link to a listing of these organizations related to their Emergency Management Regulation responsibilities.

Ministry and Agency Emergency Management Responsibilities

The IEPC does not have an operational role, and links to individual member ministry/agency operations pages (and other useful sites) will be found under the "Operations" menu.

Member agencies are encouraged to use the approved IEPC logo directly below where it is appropriate. Use by the general public is not permitted.

The logo below has been approved by the IEPC for use by any volunteer organization, public or commercial group or individual who wishes to reflect the IEPC "spirit" of sharing responsibility for British Columbia's Emergency Preparedness.
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