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Courses Offered

The Provincal Emergency Program offers the following courses through the Justice Institute of BC. These courses can be completed on line or in hard copy. If completion in hard copy is preferred, copies can be downloaded below or obtained from the Justice Institute of BC by calling 604-528-5790. Once you complete the exam, this can then be forwarded to the Justice Institute for marking and to receive credit for the course. With the exception of the Introduction to ESS, there is a $30 charge payable to the JI for this service.

Introduction to Emergency Management in BC is intended for those who are involved in emergency management in BC at any level. It introduces the basic concepts of successful emergency management, and includes information about the agencies, governments and organizations involved. This course is a prerequisite to all other emergency mangement courses.

Online Course Click here >> Hard copy (pdf) Click here >>

Introduction to Emergency Social Services (ESS) is intended for volunteers and others who share a common goal of assisting people in an emergency. It provides new ESS workers with fundamental information about the Emergency Social Services program and includes information about personal preparedness for ESS workers. This is the first step for preparing workers to be able to respond quickly, while addressing the needs of family, friends and employers. This course is a prerequisite to all other Emergency Social Services courses.

Online Course Click here >> Hard copy (pdf) Click here >>

Emergency Operations Centre Level 1 is intended to provide participants with an introduction to the British Columbia Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) and the planning and orgranizing of an Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) including the design, set up and staffing of an EOC facility. This course is a prerequisite to the EOC Level 2 course, Emergency Evacuations, and Exercise Design.

Online Course Click here >> Hard copy (pdf) Click here >>

Emergency Operations Centre Operational Guidelines form the basis of the EOC Level 2 course, which is available through the Provincial Emergency Program and the Justice Institute of BC. On completion of this course, participants will be able to: utilize the BCERMS model for EOC management and operations; participate as an effective members in EOC activities; coordinate internal and external EOC activities; perform general tasks/activities relating to EOC operations.

For training manual Click here >>

The Incident Command System orientation course is also available as an online version. Click here >>

For further information, please contact Louise Bouchard, Emergency Management Training Specialist at the Provincial Emergency Program, at 250-952-5520.

Provincial Emergency Program Training

Click here for the PEP-sponsored
Emergency Management Training Schedule,
for April 2007 - March 2008
Updated January 18, 2008


Click here for the PEP-sponsored
Emergency Social Services Training Schedule,
for September 2007 - March 2008
Updated January 30, 2008

The Provincial Emergency Program (PEP), funds the PEP Academy at the Justice Institute of B.C. to develop, deliver and evaluate emergency management training for emergency responders. The various one and two day courses support communities to develop, deliver, and evaluate their own emergency exercise programs, plan for evacuations, prepare for activating an emergency operations centre and understand the roles and responsibilities of various government and non-government agencies.

Emergency management training is provided free to B.C. emergency responders such as municipal, provincial, and federal staff, First Nations peoples and PEP volunteers. (Click on boxed link above.) Emergency responders wishing to enrol in one of the PEP-funded courses should apply through the nearest PEP regional office.

We are excited to announce the launch of a brand new course.

The Radio Communications - Station Management course guides the organization and operation of an emergency radio communications station at an EOC, ESS Reception Centre or PREOC. It reviews the key responsibilities of the Radio Communications Station Manager within the Logistics Section, including working with served agencies, resource management, documentation and the consideration of safety and legal issues. Course description Course description >>

The course is open to all Public Safety Lifeline volunteers, with a primary focus on amateur radio volunteers that will be assisting their local authority during a response.

To register, contact your local PEP regional office.

Introduction to Emergency Management Workshops
Agencies and local authorities wishing to participate in free one-day Introduction to Emergency Management in B.C. training should also contact the nearest PEP regional office. PEP Regional Managers will host and deliver local workshops. The course provides an overview of B.C.'s emergency management system and its concepts and helps participants to understand the roles of various agencies in emergency response. Participants may be asked to pay for course manuals.

Justice Institute of B.C. Training

The Emergency Management Division of the Justice Institute of B.C. specializes in training focused on the fundamentals of emergency and crisis management for all hazards that may affect people, property and the environment. This includes training in courses such as: Business Continuity Planning, Incident Command System, Search and Rescue, Neighbourhood Preparedness Program, Emergency Social Services, etc. To find out more about these courses, link to the JI Emergency Management Division. For information about the Emergency Management Certificate Program click here.

For additional information about the Justice Institute and other courses it offers link to the JI home page.

BCERMS Training (IEPC Standards)

To provide opportunities for more British Columbians to become better prepared to respond in an emergency, standards have been developed for potential provincially-approved B.C. Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) training providers.

The standards document, entitled Standards for BCERMS Training Providers and BCERMS Training Materials, was developed by the Inter-agency Emergency Preparedness Council (IEPC), a committee of representatives from provincial ministries, Crown corporations and major utilities.

Approved training providers may use existing IEPC-approved materials, or may develop their own materials. Once a BCERMS training provider has been approved by the IEPC or new BCERMS training materials have been IEPC-approved, the provider may use the IEPC logo and the provider's name and/or materials will be added to the regularly updated approved BCERMS training provider and training materials list.

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