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How can someone spot a marijuana grow operation?

Cannabis is obtained from the hemp plant. The grow operations used to cultivate marijuana can be easily set up and can produce a first crop within three months. The homes used for grow operations can be present in any community.

There are numerous signs that could suggest that a house is being used to cultivate marijuana. If a home in your area has several of the suggested indicators, do not approach or investigate further yourself. Instead call the police and let them know of your suspicions.

Some of the following might be indicators:

  • A strange skunk-like odour emanates from the residence.
  • Windows are boarded or covered up and are always closed. Foil may be used as a window covering.
  • Residents are home only for a few hours then leave again or unusual visitor behaviour.
  • Sounds of electric humming or fans coming from the home. These sounds could be given off by lights and electrical transformers used to provide heat and false sunlight.
  • Localized power surges/decreases in power.
  • Signs of digging or disturbance around the outside of the hydro box.
  • Little outdoor maintenance (i.e., unshovelled snow, uncut grass).
  • Layer of condensation on the windows.
  • Entry to the house is often made through an attached garage or side/back entrance to conceal activities.
  • Unusual electrical hook-ups to the house or outbuildings.
  • Persons hauling or constructing a watering system into a building.
  • Equipment such as large fans, lights, plastic plant containers used in the growing operations are carried into the home.
  • Persons hauling suspicious types of material or garbage away from their buildings and property (i.e., plastic sheeting, fertilizer bags or containers, plant stocks, plastic piping materials, plastic pots, Carbon Dioxide tanks, fuel tanks, etc.).
  • Abnormally warm buildings. In winter, snow may melt off the roofs of buildings used to house the grow operation.

The Scope and Socio-Economic Impact of Indoor Marihuana Growing Operations in Alberta. Criminal Intelligence Service Alberta.

Help Police Stop Marijuana Cultivation. Calgary Police Service. 2003

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