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How can I spot a clandestine methamphetamine lab site?

There are numerous signs that could suggest that a house is being used to manufacture methamphetamine. If a residence in your area has several of the suggested indicators, do not approach or investigate further yourself. Instead call your local police service or Crime Stoppers (1-800-222-TIPS) and let them know of your suspicions.

Indicators can be:

  • Home has windows blackened or curtains always drawn.
  • Chemical or other odours emanating from the house or apartment, garage or detached building. Odours from clandestine labs are often described as smelling similar to nail polish remover, "rotting garlic fish" or "concentrated cat urine".
  • Garbage frequently has numerous bottles and containers including:
    • Toluene
    • Muriatic Acid
    • Red Phosphorus
    • Ephedrine
    • Pseudoephedrine
    • Veterinary products
    • Methanol
    • Rubbing alcohol
    • Sodium hydroxide
    • Ether
    • Paint thinner
    • Ammonia
  • Metal drums and boxes with labels removed or spray painted over.
  • Residents set out their garbage in another neighbour's collection area.
  • Dead animals and birds, resulting from drinking contaminated water from waste chemicals.

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