Government of Alberta website telephone directory

Alberta in Action — priorities for our province.

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Once you have an RSS reader installed, select from the subject or department categories below by clicking on the xml link button. Then copy and paste the address (URL) to your reader.

When a news item arrives, you will receive a headline and brief summary of the news item. The headline will be a hyperlink to the full news release on

Issued By:

xml link Lieutenant Governor

xml link Legislative Assembly
xml link Auditor General
xml link Chief Electoral Officer
xml link Ethics Commissioner
xml link Government House Leader
xml link Information & Privacy Commissioner
xml link Office of the Ombudsman

xml link Office of the Premier
xml link Executive Council
xml link SPC - Agriculture & MA
xml link SPC - Eco Dev & Finance
xml link SPC - Education & Employment
xml link SPC - Energy & Sustainable Development
xml link SPC - Health and Community Living
xml link SPC - Just & Gov Svcs

xml link Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
xml link Advanced Education
xml link Agriculture, Food & Rural Development
xml link Children's Services
xml link Community Development
xml link Economic Development
xml link Education
xml link Energy
xml link Environment
xml link Finance
xml link Gaming
xml link Government Services
xml link Health & Wellness
xml link Human Resources & Employment
xml link Infrastructure and Transportation
xml link Innovation & Science
xml link International & Intergovernmental Relations
xml link Justice & Attorney General
xml link Municipal Affairs
xml link Personnel Administration Office
xml link Public Affairs Bureau
xml link Restructuring and Government Efficiency
xml link Seniors and Community Supports
xml link Solicitor General and Public Security
xml link Sustainable Resource Development

xml link AADAC
xml link Alberta Economic Development Authority
xml link Alberta Energy & Utilities Board
xml link Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission
xml link Alberta Human Rights & Citizenship Commission
xml link Alberta Research Council
xml link Alberta's Commission on Learning
xml link Alberta's Promise
xml link Environmental Appeals Board
xml link Natural Resources Conservation Board
xml link Northern Alberta Development Council
xml link Seniors Advisory Council

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