News Release

October 30, 2006

New law better protects victims of family violence

New provincial legislation takes effect November 1

Edmonton...Victims of family violence will be better protected when new provincial legislation becomes law on November 1.

"Family violence has devastating consequences on individuals, communities and society as a whole," said Children's Services Minister Heather Forsyth. "We've made changes to the Protection Against Family Violence Act to strengthen Alberta's response to this issue and protect even more people, including children, experiencing family violence."

The new law adds stalking to the definition of family violence, which will mean Emergency Protection Orders can be issued to protect those who are experiencing this form of abuse from a family member. Alberta is only the second jurisdiction in Canada to include this provision.

"This legislation will help ensure those who have gathered the courage to leave violent relationships are protected from further family violence," added Forsyth. "Too often after an individual leaves a violent relationship, they become a victim of stalking, and too often the result is serious injury, or even murder. Now with these changes, individuals will have further protection available."

The legislation also helps children exposed to family violence by requiring judges and justices of the peace to consider the exposure when determining if an Emergency Protection Order should be granted. In addition, an order by the Court of Queen's Bench can authorize children to receive counselling with the consent of one parent. This will ensure that an abusive parent cannot stand in the way of the child getting the help they need.

The legislation also protects vulnerable people, such as seniors who are being abused by a family member, regardless of whether they live together. It provides a more comprehensive explanation of family violence and gives frontline case workers, police and judges a common understanding of the dynamics of family violence.

The Protection Against Family Violence Amendment Act received Royal Assent on March 23.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Jody Korchinski
Alberta Children's Services
(780) 427-4801

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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