News Release

November 1, 2006

Albertans encouraged to reach out to victims of family violence

New campaign running during Family Violence Prevention Month

Calgary... A new provincial public awareness campaign encourages more Albertans to reach out to victims of family violence.

Built around the theme: End the silence. Stop the violence, the campaign is aimed at Albertans who traditionally may not want to get involved, or who don't know what they can do if they suspect abuse.

"Alberta has the highest reported incidence of family violence in the country," said Heather Forsyth, Children's Services Minister. "Our own research shows us that Albertans believe they have a personal responsibility to help reduce family violence in their community. Family members, friends, neighbours and co-workers are in a unique position to help."

In addition to television commercials, movie theatre ads, and postcards being mailed out to all rural Alberta homes, the campaign also features a new government, toll-free information line: 310-1818. This new 24-hour line will assist callers with information and advice on how they can reach out to someone they suspect might be struggling with family violence. The information line is staffed by trained information and referral specialists.

"Most people want to help, but don't quite know how," said Forsyth. "November is family violence prevention month in Alberta and I encourage all Albertans to take this opportunity to learn what they can do to prevent family violence in their community or reach out to someone they know who might be struggling with violence at home."

The new campaign was announced on November 1, the same day that government's newly revised Protection Against Family Violence Act takes effect in Alberta.

More information on this campaign, as well as a number of downloadable and customizable resources to assist communities in their efforts to prevent family violence is available on Children's Services' new family violence prevention website,

The new campaign is a direct result of commitments made during the Alberta Roundtable on Family Violence and Bullying held in May 2004. The total cost of the campaign is $750,000.

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Backgrounder: Overview of government's actions to prevent family violence attached.

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Children's Services Communications
(780) 427-4801

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


November 1, 2006

Province taking action to prevent and respond to family violence

Calgary... The public awareness and education campaign is only one part of an array of provincial programs and initiatives to help prevent and respond to family violence. These include:

Community Incentive Fund


Women's Shelter Program

Protecting Children

Community Coordination

Policy Forum

More information on these initiatives can be found at

Nine partnering ministries are working together to prevent and respond to family violence through implementation of Alberta's Prevention of Family Violence and Bullying Strategy:

  1. Children's Services (coordination lead)
  2. Justice and Attorney General
  3. Health and Wellness
  4. Education
  5. Community Development
  6. Human Resources and Employment
  7. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
  8. Solicitor General
  9. Seniors and Community Supports


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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Children's Services Communications
(780) 427-4801

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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