Legislative Assembly of Alberta
The Mace


The Citizen's Guide to the Alberta Legislature
Fifth Edition (c) 2006

Where did builders find the marble for the Legislature Building? How is an American state legislature different from our provincial legislature? What happens during a typical legislative session? The answers to these and many other questions are in this helpful booklet. Its chapters cover a remarkable variety of Legislature-related topics. The booklet also contains review questions to help you remember the information.   Legislative Assembly of Alberta

Table of Contents

Part I: The Foundation

The Parliamentary System in Alberta
A Constitutional Monarchy
The Levels of Government

Part II: Representing the People

The Provincial General Election
You and Your MLA
Executive Council

Part III: Rules and Traditions

Symbols and Ceremonies: The Mace and the Black Rod
The Speaker
Parliamentary Procedure

Part IV: Getting the Business Done

How the Assembly Works
Taking Part
Making Alberta's Laws
Putting Your Tax Dollars to Work
The Legislative Assembly Office
It's All in Hansard

Part V: Other Topics of Interest

The Legislature Building
The Emblems of Alberta
Two Styles of Governing: Provincial and State Legislatures


Appendix 1: Questions and Answers

Study Questions
Answer Key for Study Questions

For further information, phone 427-7362 or email visitorinfo@assembly.ab.ca

Tour Times
Free tours of the Legislature Building and Interpretive Centre are available year-round except Christmas Day, New Year's Day, and Good Friday. All tours begin in the Interpretive Centre and Gift Shop, situated in the Legislature pedway just north of the fountains. More tour Information.


Legislative Assembly of Alberta
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