News Release

November 3, 2006

Government invests $136 million to make post-secondary studies more affordable

Students to pay thousands less for a degree or diploma

Edmonton... The Alberta government has released a comprehensive framework that will make post-secondary education more affordable for students. A key component of the framework is a new tuition fee policy that will limit annual tuition increases to inflation starting in fall 2007, saving the average two-year diploma student $1,600 and the average four-year undergraduate student more than $3,800 during the course of program. The Alberta government will invest an additional $136 million over the next three years to support the new tuition policy. Those dollars will flow to post-secondary institutions to make up for lower tuition revenue.

"This affordability package was carefully designed - based on the input of students and stakeholders. It will make post-secondary education more affordable for students and do it strategically. It will encourage more Albertans to pursue education in whatever career path they choose, and it will engage the private sector and communities in the post-secondary journey," said Advanced Education Minister Denis Herard. "It includes measures that lower tuition, improve student assistance, make more scholarships and bursaries available, and target financial support to those that face greater challenges in pursuing post-secondary studies."

Designed as a long-term way of addressing the full range of costs faced by post-secondary students, the affordability framework includes several changes that will begin to be implemented immediately:

Immediate changes to student assistance will cost $14 million over the next three years and will be funded within existing budgets. The framework also includes plans for other changes to the student assistance program, including better reflection of students' living and learning costs, lower interest rates on student loans, incentives that encourage underrepresented groups to pursue post-secondary education, and new partnerships with communities and employers that improve the affordability of post-secondary education. Timing for implementation of these changes will be subject to funding approval in the government's future budget and business-planning processes.

Under the new tuition policy, average tuition increases will be limited to 3.3 per cent starting in September 2007. Under the previous policy, next year's increases would have ranged from six to 11 per cent.

Average undergraduate tuition is now expected to be $4,987 in 2007/08 - $717 less than under the previous tuition policy. A student starting a four-year degree next year will pay more than $3,800 less in tuition over the course of their program under the new tuition policy. A student starting a two-year diploma program will pay about $1,600 less over the course of their program. Plus both students will have access to student financial assistance programs (grants, scholarships, bursaries, student loans, and student loan remission) that are the highest funded in the country.

The additional $136 million investment will flow to post-secondary institutions over the next three years: $22 million in 2007/08, $45 million in 2008/09, and $69 million in 2009/10 to make up for the lower tuition revenue available under the new tuition policy.

The affordability framework is based on the recommendations of the A Learning Alberta report, which resulted from last year's review of Alberta's post-secondary system. The framework is available at:

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Backgrounder: Details on the new tuition policy and student financial assistance are attached.

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Michael Shields
Advanced Education Communications
(780) 422 5400

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310 0000


November 3, 2006

A New Approach to Tuition

Under the government's new tuition policy, average undergraduate tuition will be an estimated $5,418 in 2010/11. Under the previous policy, it could have been as high as $6,630. Based on this scenario, an average undergraduate student can expect to pay over $3,800 less in tuition over the course of their degree ($1,600 less for a diploma program). Next year alone, the difference in tuition is more than $700.


Highest student assistance funding in Canada

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Michael Shields, Advanced Education
(780) 422 5400

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310 0000.

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