Premier Ralph Klein
Government of Alberta
Premier's Team

Role of the Premier

Honourable Ralph Klein
The Premier is the leader of the party having the most elected Members in the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). He or she provides leadership and direction to the elected members of the party.

Meet all the government MLAs


The Premier appoints some MLAs from his party to head an area of responsibility called a Ministry. The head of a Ministry is called a Minister, for example, the Minister of Learning.

The Premier and the Ministers form the Executive Branch of Government and are called the Cabinet or Executive Council. Cabinet Ministers develop policy, direct its implementation, oversee the routine day-to-day administration of the government, and provide advice to the Premier.

Below are the members of Cabinet (in order of precedence, from left to right).

Honourable Ralph Klein Honourable Ralph Klein
      Honourable Shirley McClellan Honourable Shirley McClellan
Deputy Premier
Minister of Finance
Honourable Ron Stevens Honourable Ron Stevens
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
      Honourable Iris Evans Honourable Iris Evans
Minister of Health and Wellness
Honourable Ty Lund Honourable Ty Lund
Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation
      Honourable Gary Mar Honourable Gary Mar
Minister of International and Intergovernmental Relations
Honourable Clint Dunford Honourable Clint Dunford
Minister of Economic Development
      Honourable Gene Zwozdesky Honourable Gene Zwozdesky
Minister of Education
Honourable Greg Melchin Honourable Greg Melchin
Minister of Energy
      Honourable Mike Cardinal Honourable Mike Cardinal
Minister of Human Resources and Employment
Honourable Guy Boutilier Honourable Guy Boutilier
Minister of Environment
      Honourable Heather Forsyth Honourable Heather Forsyth
Minister of Children's Services
Honourable David Coutts Honourable David Coutts
Minister of Sustainable Resource Development
      Honourable Pearl Calahasen Honourable Pearl Calahasen
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Honourable Gordon Graydon Honourable Gordon Graydon
Minister of Gaming
      Honourable Rob Renner Honourable Rob Renner
Minister of Municipal Affairs
Honourable Luke Oullette Honourable Luke Ouellette
Minister of Restructuring and Government Efficiency
      Honourable Harvey Cenaiko Honourable Harvey Cenaiko
Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security
Honourable Yvonne Fritz Honourable Yvonne Fritz
Minister of Seniors and Community Supports
      Honourable Doug Horner Honourable Doug Horner
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
Honourable Denis Herard Honourable Denis Herard
Minister of Advanced Education
      Honourable Denis Ducharme Honourable Denis Ducharme
Minister of Community Development
Honourable George VanderBurg Honourable George VanderBurg
Minister of Government Services
Acting Minister of Innovation and Science
      Honourable Barry McFarland Honourable Barry McFarland
Associate Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation,
Minister Responsible for Capital Planning