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Limited Quantities Remain!

2007 Wall and Fiscal Calendars
Informative and versatile, the 2007 provincial government fiscal and wall calendars are available and selling for only $2.50 each plus GST.

All orders to be delivered via government courier or mail must be a minimum of 5 Calendars (any combination of Wall and/or Fiscal). Orders of less than 5 Calendars can be purchased in person from the Alberta Queen’s Printer Bookstore in Edmonton.

2007 Wall Calendar
(17.5” x 23”)
A great wall or desk pad calendar that highlights provincial government and statutory holidays.

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2007/2008 Fiscal Calendar
(17” x 11”)
Spans April 2007 to March 2008; highlights provincial government and statutory holidays, details wage pay periods for the fiscal year.

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Apartment Vacancy and Rental Cost Survey 2006
Conducted by Alberta Seniors and Community Supports, the survey provides the housing industry, private sector, and various government departments and agencies with essential housing information on private market vacancy and rental rates in multi-family rental dwellings in Alberta.

It identifies building type, building age, unit type, number of units, rental rates and number of vacancies in 63 Alberta communities. The survey does not include communities that are surveyed by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

Copies of the 2006 Alberta Apartment Vacancy and Rental Cost Survey may be purchased for $15.00 plus GST.

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