Thrasher checks things out.
Kip sends Thrasher a message to check out a new building in town and see if it's safe to ride. It has lots of smooth sidewalks and railings all around it.

To get to the building, Thrasher has to cross several streets. At almost every intersection, Thrasher looks for a marked crosswalk, but doesn't see one, so he crosses at the next best place ­ the of the street. He never crosses in the middle of the road.

When he gets to the building he sees a "no skateboarding" sign. Should Thrasher ride into this area?
Yes - Thrasher doesn't care about the rules
No - These places are meant for pedestrians, not skateboards

Thrasher always uses his head when he rides. To avoid cracking his melon on the pavement, he always wears his . In fact, every time he boards he straps on his armour.

Which is not part of this armour?
wrist guard
knee pads
baseball cap
elbow pads

Even though Thrasher is a "wicked" skater, he always his skateboard across the street when he comes to intersections.

And, when he crosses at a light, Thrasher only moves when the sign is lit up and all cars have stopped.

Thrasher likes to skate hard. Which of the following could make him wipe out:
Rocks on the pavement?
Twigs and leaves?
All of them?

"Dude, that was good work! You're getting to be wise in the ways of the Safety Agent! I see that Buster could use some help though - maybe you can give him a hand." - Thrasher