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Your Privacy and Access to Information

This section describes how the Canada Firearms Centre uses Canadian Firearms Program information and how this information is made accessible.

Statement of Privacy and Access

The Canada Firearms Centre is committed to protecting information collected to administer the Canadian Firearms Program, and adheres to the spirit and requirements of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Access to Information

Information held by the Canada Firearms Centre (CAFC) is made available under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act. Related Policy guidelines are available on the Treasury Board Website.

On-line Transactions

Use and Disclosure of Program Information

Access to Information

Right of Access

The Access to Information Act allows Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any person or corporation that resides in Canada the right to access information under the control of the Government of Canada. This right of access is in accordance with the principles that government information should be available to the public that necessary exemptions to the right of access should be limited, and that decisions on the disclosure of government information should be reviewed independently of government. Access to Information Request Form

The Privacy Act provides citizens with the right to access their personal information held by the Government of Canada and protection of that information against unauthorized use and disclosure. Personal Information Request Form

Requesting Access

A fee of $5.00 payable to the Receiver General, by cheque or money order, is required for requests under the Access to Information Act; however no fee is required when requesting access to personal information under the Privacy Act. Please send requests relating to either Act, to:

Coordinator, Office of Access to Information and Privacy
Canada Firearms Centre
50 O'Connor St. 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 1M6

Advice on how to make information requests is available toll-free, at 1-800 731-4000 Ext:2055. (Please note, this extension is exclusive to Access to Information and Privacy requests, and is not available for other requests, such as licencing, registering or transferring of firearms.)

Reporting to Parliament

Annual reports to parliament regarding the administration of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act by the Canada Firearms Centre will be posted below:

Annual Report to Parliament 2003-2004: Access to Information Act and Privacy Act - (PDF 76K)

On-line Transactions

Is My Information Secure?

Information shared with the CAFC on-line is protected while in transit to ensure confidentiality through state-of-the-art technology. This includes a 128-bit secure socket layer encryption that encodes data during browser to Web server transmission. Further protection is available for individuals when they select a personal information number (PIN) and for business clients that use a business information number (BIN) when accessing their data.

Tracking On-line Activities

The CAFC tracks on-line activities to determine how visitors use our website and to help us improve navigation and user satisfaction. Tracking occurs through the application of "session cookies", an IT tool developed for service monitoring and improvement purposes. You have the option of refusing to accept this tracking process, in which case you will be unable to complete your transaction online. Other methods of transaction are available and can be processed by contacting us at 1 800 731-4000.

Unauthorized Access

Processes are in place to detect attempts at hacking into the Canada Firearms Information System and prevent them from accessing personal information. The CAFC continually monitors network traffic on the CAFC website for any possible attempts of unauthorized access. In addition, security procedures have been added to the web site to enhance an already secure service.

Use and Disclosure of Program Information

How does the CAFC use information provided on application forms?

Safety training information collected by the Canada Firearms Centre and federal and provincial Chief Firearms Officers pursuant to the Firearms Act is used exclusively to determine licence eligibility.

Information provided when applying for a firearms licence or certain authorizations (e.g. to transfer non-restricted firearms to new owners, to carry or transport restricted or prohibited firearms) is used exclusively by a Chief Firearms Officer to determine eligibility for the privilege or activity in question.

Information provided to register a firearm is used to determine firearms classification or to issue a firearms certificate. Before a registration certificate is issued, refused or revoked the Registrar will confirm that the associated licencee is eligible to possess the specified class of firearm.

Personal information is provided on certain Firearms Program forms such as names, addresses, and medical information. Where is this information stored and who can view it?

This information is stored in the Canadian Firearms Information System (CFIS), a database controlled by the Canada Firearms Centre. The CAFC ensures strict procedures that allow only those employees with a need consistent with their duties to view personal information. For example, only a CFO or delegated firearms officer has authority to collect personal information during the course of an investigation in determining licence eligibility. Also, police officers verify firearms information to determine licence status before responding to a call; however, at no time are they able to view names of references, spouses or medical information.

Does the CAFC share personal information collected for the Firearms Program with other agencies or the private sector?

Relevant Firearms Program information is disclosed only to federal and provincial public safety business partners that have legal authority to collect this information consistent with their public safety responsibilities. Program business partners include local and provincial police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canada Border Services Agency and International Trade Canada. The Privacy Act requires that those agencies must have a use consistent with the purpose for which the information was collected. In turn, those non-federal agencies to which firearms information is disclosed are bound by similar requirements under their jurisdictional privacy laws.

Furthermore, firearms information is not shared with any private sector agencies. Some private companies however, can have access to personal information while under a contracted arrangement for software administration or records management procedures. Under the terms of those contracts, these companies cannot use or disclose information. Also, employees of private companies are screened for security clearance to ensure that personal information is protected at the same level as federal requirements.

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Last Modified: 2005-02-17 [ Important Notices ]