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The News (Site updated Wednesday, October 25, 2006 | 18:00)

European Day of Civil Justice

[25/10/2006 11:30:00] At the joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, the European Day of Civil Justice (EDCJ) is celebrated throughout Europe on 25 October. Events organised in the member states of the two organsiations will enable the public to approach their justice system more closely and gain a better understanding of the way the courts work. The day will be marked by the award of the European ''Crystal Scales of Justice'' prize for innovative practices in judicial organisation or procedure at civil law. (more ...)

Conference in Lisbon of the Ministers responsible for spatial/regional planning
[25/10/2006 11:30:00] ''Networks for sustainable spatial development of the European continent: bridges over Europe'' is the central topic of the Conference of the Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning that is taking place in Lisbon on 26-27 October. (more ...)
More information

Meeting in Paris of the presidents of Supreme Courts
[20/10/2006 10:30:00] The Presidents of nearly 40 European Supreme Courts will meet on 26 and 27 October at the Court of Cassation in Paris. Co-organised by the Council of Europe and the French Court of Cassation, the conference will provide an opportunity to take stock of recent developments concerning the functioning of the Supreme Court as well as the way in which applicants are dealt with and their level of satisfaction. (more ...)

A future convention to combat ''pharmaceutical crime''
[25/10/2006 09:00:00] Meeting in Moscow on 23 and 24 October, the participants in the conference ''Europe against Counterfeit Medicines'', which took place in the framework of the Russian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, proposed that a legal instrument be drafted to combat pharmaceutical crime, counterfeit medicines and other medicinal products included, and to safeguard the health of Europeans. (more ...)
Final conclusions
Background fact sheet

Parliamentary Assembly President to visit Turkey
[24/10/2006 16:00:00] René van der Linden, President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), is visiting Turkey from 25 to 29 October. He will meet with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül to discuss Turkey-Council of Europe relations as well as the issue of Turkey’s EU accession negotiations. (more ...)
Observation of the constitutional referendum in Serbia (more ...)
Secretary General on visit to the United Kingdom
[24/10/2006 10:00:00] Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis is in London on 24 October for a bilateral meeting with British Minister for Europe, Geoff Hoon. He attended a Memorial Service in honour of Sir Peter Smithers, Secretary General of the Council of Europe from 1964 to 1969.

''Stop domestic violence against women''
Campaign website
''All Different, All Equal'': Campaign for diversity, human rights and participation
Campaign website
Euronews report
Photo Gallery
Special file
Special file: Racism
''Building a Europe for and with Children'': launching of a three-year programme
Campaign website
''Human being - not for sale'': Campaign to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings
Website to combat Human Trafficking
Online signature of the Declaration on the fight against trafficking
Euronews report
TV 15-second spot
TV 30-second spot
Radio spot

Congress President concerned about the draft law on regional capitals in Russia
[25/10/2006 17:00:00] ''We have serious doubts whether the draft legislation concerning local self-government in regional capitals in Russia, which has been recently introduced in the State Duma, is in conformity with the European Charter of Local Self-Government'' stressed Halvdan Skard, President of the Congress. ''This bill provides that the form of self-government in regional capitals be defined by the authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, and will result in the abolition of the existing system of elected bodies in regional capitals'' he said. (more ...)

Diversity Youth Forum
[25/10/2006 14:30:00] A Diversity Youth Forum, taking place at the European Youth Centre in Budapest from 25-28 October, is to explore the concepts, issues and threats related to diversity in Europe today. The meeting is organised in the framework of the Council of Europe ''All different – all equal'' campaign for Diversity, Human Rights and Participation. (more ...)

50th anniversary of the Development Bank
[24/10/2006 09:30:00] The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), the financial instrument of the policy of solidarity developed by the Council of Europe, celebrated its 50th anniversary on October 24 at the Organisation's headquarters in Strasbourg. There was an inaugurated exhibition to mark the occasion in the presence of the Governor of the CEB, Mr Raphaël Alomar and the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Maud de Boer-Buquicchio.
Speech by the Deputy Secretary General
Website: Council of Europe Development Bank

Violation of Article 3 in the case of Vincent v. France
[23/10/2006 11:30:00] The applicant, Olivier Vincent, born in 1970, is a paraplegic and can only get around in a wheelchair. He is serving a ten year sentence and has been held in various French prisons. The applicant claims that his conditions of detention were not always suited to his disability. On 24 October, the Court unanimously concluded that there was a violation of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European Convention on Human Rights. (more ...)

''An ideological conflict cannot be won by force alone'', Terry Davis at UN General Assembly debate
[23/10/2006 09:00:00] Taking part in the debate on October 20 at the United Nations headquarters on co-operation between the UN and the Council of Europe, the Secretary General stressed that one of his organisation’s top priorities is the fight against terrorism. He added that the Council of Europe activities to strengthen cooperation in law-enforcement and to help the victims of terrorism are in line with its insistence on respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. ''If we want to defeat terrorists, we must remain faithful to our ideas and values'', he stated. The assembly discussed a draft resolution on reinforced co-operation between the UN and the Council of Europe on October 20. (more ...)
1956 Hungarian Uprising: 50th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony (more ...)
Delegates call for speedier ratification by member states of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (more ...)
200 years of sovereignty in Liechtenstein: visit of the Deputy Secretary General (more ...)
Forum for the Future of Democracy: towards a code of good conduct for political parties (more ...)
Speech by Sergueï Lavrov
Statement by René van der Linden
Speech by Terry Davis
European Ministers of Sport call for an enlarged partial agreement to promote sport in Europe (more ...)
Conclusions and adopted resolutions
Speech: Maud de Boer-Buquicchio
Speech: Günther Krug
Special file
Regulation of vaccines for avian influenza: European Pharmacopoeia international symposium (more ...)

2-6 October :
Parliamentary Assembly session
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Alleged secret detentions in member states : Special File
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