Erhard Busek
Regional TableDemocracy - Working Table IEconomy - Working Table IISecurity - Working Table III

The Stability Pact is currently headed by Special Co-ordinator Erhard Busek, an Austrian politician and author. Appointed by the EU in 2001, Busek is one of Europe's leading experts on the region and served as Austrian Vice-Chancellor from 1991-95 and was Austria's enlargement representative from 2000-2001 More info

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Special Coordinator
of the Stability Pact for
South Eastern Europe
Rue Wiertz, 50
B-1050 Brussels
Phone: +32 (2) 401 87 00
Fax: +32 (2) 401 87 12

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Latest Stability Pact Press Releases
 21 January 2006, Brussels
Busek: Rugova was always on the side of peace
 13 January 2006, Brussels
UN-HABITAT and the Stability Pact enter Co-operation Agreement to Improve Social Housing and Urban Development in SEE
 14 December 2005, Brussels
Busek Calls for a Moratorium on Sale of Small Arms and Light Weapons
 26 November 2005, Skopje
Second Health Ministers' Forum Adopts the Skopje Pledge and Emphasizes the Link Between Health Policy and Economic Development
 16 November 2005, Prague
Stability Pact's Regional Table Discussed Future of Regional Co-operation in SEE and Adopted Work Plan for 2006
more Press Releases
From 7/2/2006 till 8/2/2006, (Istanbul)
  Enterprise Development and Employment Generation: Workshop on SME Development
On 8/2/2006 (Loutraki (tbc))
  SEECP JHA Ministerial meeting
On 13/2/2006 ((tbc))
  DPPI Legal Working Group
From 13/2/2006 till 14/2/2006, (Zagreb)
  RACVIAC Working Group 1
From 14/2/2006 till 15/2/2006, (Berlin)
  Trade Working Group Meeting
more events
About the Stability Pact  

Launched in 1999, the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe is the first comprehensive conflict-prevention strategy of the international community, aimed at strengthening the efforts of the countries of South East Europe in fostering peace, democracy, respect for human rights and economic prosperity. The Stability Pact provides a framework to stimulate regional co-operation and expedite integration into European and trans-Atlantic structures. The Pact's secretariat, located in Brussels, is organised into three units - Working Table I deals with issues of democratisation and human rights, Working Table II with economic reconstruction, cooperation and development matters and Working Table III with security issues.

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