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Good moves for banks in eastern Europe

Erik Berglöf.

Eight years after the ruble crisis sent shock waves across eastern Europe's financial sector, banks in the region are bigger, stronger, better regulated, more profitable and more competitive than ever, Chief Economist Erik Berglof writes in BusinessWeek.

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Transition report 2006

Transition report.

The new Transition report studies the financial sector in transition countries. It analyses how financial systems have been restructured, their impact on the economy and private sector development, and the introduction of new financial services.

Order the report

Building Russian farm economy

Yug Rusi, a success story.

With 10,000 employees busy at every link in the food chain, Yug Rusi is one of southern Russia’s biggest post-Soviet success stories. A €146.5 million EBRD loan is helping them expand what is already Europe’s biggest oilseed crushing plant.

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Understanding transition impact

Transition impact is a key principle governing the EBRD’s project activities. The Office of the Chief Economist assesses transition impact as part of the Bank’s process for choosing, preparing and appraising projects.

More about Transition impact and the Office of the Chief Economist

Better public transport for Krasnodar

Anatoly Panin.

Trams and trolleys get most people in the Russian city of Krasnodar to and from work, school, shopping, etcetera. A €10 million EBRD loan is helping to improve public transport and discourage car congestion.

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Press releasesArchive

Kazakhstan Strategy - 21 Nov
Microfinance Azerbaijan - 16 Nov
Banca Transilvania loan - 15 Nov

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Cherkasy energy efficiency - 21 Nov
Solid waste landfill - 15 Nov
Crimea Infrastructure Loan - 14 Nov

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Albania strategy in Albanian - 07 Nov
Comment: Information requests - 06 Nov
Estonia strategy in Estonian - 31 Oct

Procurement contractsArchive

Head of Secretariat KR - 20 Nov
Krasnodar Urban Transport - 20 Nov
Serbia Highway and Bypass - 20 Nov


TR06: Finance in transition - 14 Nov
Law in transition online - 7 Nov
Economics of transition - 11 Oct

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