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Home Canada and the Americas Permanent Mission of Canada to the OAS 36th General Assembly of the OAS

36th General Assembly of the Organization of American States

What's New
Address by Minister MacKay at the Plenary Session of the 36th
OAS General Assembly
Address by Minister MacKay at the Dialogue of Heads of Delegations with Representatives of Civil Society
Address by Minister MacKay at the ministerial meeting of the summit implementation review group
• Minister MacKay to attend OAS General Assembly 
Consultations with Civil Society

Canada took an active part in the 36th General Assembly (GA) of the Organization of American States (OAS), held from June 4 to 6, 2006, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The theme was “Good Governance and Democratic Development in the Knowledge-Based Society.”

The General Assembly is the supreme body of the OAS, bringing together foreign affairs ministers from 34 member states. The ministers meet on a yearly basis to review the work of the Organization and agree on future directions for hemispheric cooperation, particularly in the areas of democracy and governance, security and development. The General Assembly is also a forum in which the foreign affairs ministers can exchange their views on recent political developments in the region and express their support for OAS efforts to strengthen democracy, prevent conflicts and support reconciliation efforts in the region’s trouble spots.

Photo Gallery: OAS Secretary General meets with Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs  (june 4, 2006)


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