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Canadian Embassy to the Holy See

View from the Canadian Embassy
Whether you are planning to visit the Vatican or you are just surfing the web, we hope that you will find this site useful! …

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Youth...on the move! Introducing CanadaEuropa - youth!
A new web tool for young Canadians & Europeans seeking international work & volunteer opportunities, internships & apprenticeships, scholarships, grants & bursaries, important travel tips etc. on both sides of the Atlantic ... check it out!

What’s new

Pope Benedict XIV and Senate Speaker Noël A. Kinsella

Visit to Vatican of the Speaker of the Senate of Canada, the Honourable Noël A. Kinsella ...more



iconNon-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament eDiscussion, September 25 - December 1, 2006: Take part as a Canadian expatriate, or find out how your International University or College can participate.


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