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Fact sheet on Parks Canada

Factors and criteria Summary of substantiating data Rating

a) An accountability framework, an action plan and accountability mechanisms are in place
Although the PC 2003–2004 Annual Report and Corporate Plan 2004–05 to 2008–09 refer to accountability frameworks for human resources (HR) management, the Strategic Framework for People Management and the Accountability Framework for People Management, these instruments only briefly address official languages (OL) objectives. However, an Official Languages Action Plan, the objectives of which are based on priorities set by the HR committee, outlines the expectations of responsibility centres. This plan is posted on the intranet site.

Following an annual call letter, managers must be accountable for their achievements, monitoring activities and efforts to address problems. The HR Committee, chaired by a director general of operations, is responsible for implementing and following up on the Plan. In addition, the OL Annual Review describes achievements relating to the Plan. PC has maintained all TB policies, which are well anchored in the organizational culture. Co-ordination of the Official Languages Program (OLP) is facilitated by the "direct line" that management has with on-site operations officials.

The Newfoundland West and Labrador Field Unit has developed an official languages strategy in which it has defined delivery of service to the public in both official languages in relation to its operational context. The document lists the actions that must be taken to meet obligations under the OLA.
Fact Sheet
b) Visibility of official languages in the organization PC distributed to managers its 2003–2006 Action Plan for Official Languages, which presents initiatives to achieve the objectives of Parts IV, V, VI and VII of the Official Languages Act (OLA). The Corporate Plan 2004–2005 to 2008–2009 addresses OL strategic objectives, expected results and performance expectations. The 2003–2004 Annual Report addresses the objectives of the OLP. A PC document on management values and principles also incorporates OL objectives.

PC has conducted surveys regarding language of service and language of work. Official languages are not integrated with internal audits.

The issue of OL is addressed on a regular basis in Management Committee. The orientation of the OLP is handled by the HR Committee, which the OL Champion sits on; the operational managers help administer the OLP.

Responsibility for Part VII of the OLA was given to the Director General, Strategies and Plans. Co-ordination of Parts IV, V, VI and VII is handled by the HR Committee. A 2002–2005 Action Plan on the implementation of Section 41 was presented to Canadian Heritage.
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c) Complaints There is a procedure for reviewing complaints directed to the Commissioner of Official Languages (COL). Headquarters sends the complaint directly to the director responsible, who deals directly with the COL's office. The Director responsible must cite measures taken to correct the problem, and then headquarters closely monitors the follow-up. It is the responsibility of the manager to determine the necessary corrective action and to ensure that the principle of active offer is instilled in his or her employees. There does not appear to be a method of gaining insight from lessons learned (sharing of exemplary solutions). No apparent systemic problems.
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Service to the public - Part IV

a) Bilingual services advertised to the public and sufficient bilingual staff
PC advertises its 154 bilingual points of service on Burolis. Its Web site, which is completely bilingual and very user-friendly, offers information on the agency's services.
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b) Findings on active offer and service delivery According to observations on in-person service made by the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages in the fall of 2004, active visual offer was present in 90.9% of cases; active offer by staff was made in 36.4% of cases, while service in the language of the minority was adequate in 72.7% of cases.

The results of the latest telephone service audit conducted by the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency showed that active offer of service was made by staff 64.2% of the time and on telephone answering machines 82.9% of the time, while service was actually available in the two OL 83.3% of the time.
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c) The service agreements delivered by third parties or in partnership provide for the delivery of bilingual services Leases and contracts reached between third parties and managers contain language clauses. The bilingual service requirements are monitored by the branches of National Office, field units and service centres. However, the Visitor Information Program, which measures satisfaction, does not differentiate between services offered by employees and those offered by third parties.
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d) Bilingual services quality monitoring PC educates managers and employees about the systematic bilingualism requirement, the principle of active offer and the importance of reflecting Canada's bilingual character. PC has designed an orientation workshop that will be offered throughout the country to seasonal employees (a third of its workforce). One of the objectives of the workshop is to raise awareness among employees about their OL obligations.

Courses on the Official Languages Program, and more specifically on the active offer of services, are also offered to business partners and volunteer groups.

PC regularly conducts surveys of its clientele, but it relies on complaints to identify problems with the quality of the services offered.

As they are responsible for offering services to the public, managers ensure that the commitments of the Action Plan are met. Moreover, during the preparation of the OL Annual Review, managers must report on measures designed to ensure the quality of services.
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Language of work - Part V

a) Adequate bilingual supervision and language of work policy
81.9% of supervisors in bilingual regions who are required to supervise their employees in both OL are able to do so (Source: 2003–2004 Annual Report on OL, Parks Canada).

Parks Canada has posted its language of work policy on the agency intranet.
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b) Use of each language in the workplace The PC Action Plan outlines activities to create a conducive work environment. PC encourages the use of both official languages at work.

The information on employees' rights and obligations is transmitted by the lines of authority who must ensure that the activities of the Plan are carried out.

Apart from the grievance process in place, observations/ problems concerning OL can be reported to the champion or to the person responsible for official languages, who will conduct a follow-up.

The use of both languages is encouraged in meetings of the Executive Committee. Francophone representation on the Executive Committee is 43.0%; all members have a level of bilingualism that allows for exchanges in the preferred language of participants. Meetings are often held entirely in French.

The Atlantic Service Centre holds "Francophone Wednesdays" to support second language skills retention.

PC conducted its first survey of employees in the summer of 2003. The survey contained a distinct component on OL.

Apart from the documents posted on the Intranet, there are no examples of regular reminders to managers.
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Equitable participation - Part VI

a) Percentage of Francophone participation throughout Canada
Overall, 23.0% of employees are Francophone (source: 2003–2004 Annual Review of OL, Parks Canada).
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b) Percentage of Anglophone participation in Quebec In Quebec, 1.0% of employees are Anglophone (source: 2003–2004 Annual Review of OL, Parks Canada)
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Development of minority language communities and promotion of linguistic duality - Part VII

a) Strategic planning and the development of policies and programs take into account the development of minority language communities
PC is sensitized to linguistic minority needs; it seeks to incorporate the language aspect into its local programs by working with local communities. Through its 2002–2005 Action Plan for Part VII, Parks Canada is structuring organizational efforts to fulfill its obligations in this area.

The Agency developed an educational program in co-operation with a Métis association in northern Saskatchewan and with minority language associations in British Columbia. PC reports that its agents work with Anglophone groups in Quebec in the same spirit.

In the P.E.I. Field Unit, the official languages champion of the field unit is an active member of the P.E.I. Official Languages Committee of the Federal Council. The committee held a consultation with the Acadian and Francophone community on their "Projet Vision" (a plan for the next five years), which will offer opportunities for the field unit and the community to work together.

PC has posted the government's communication policy (TBS) on its intranet. Space and time are purchased from the media of both official language communities; for example, requests for proposals and grant proposals in L'Eau vive (Saskatchewan).

Raising awareness of the needs of minority communities is done with a focus on service to the public.
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b) Strategic planning and the development of policies and programs take into account the promotion of linguistic duality As part of their duties, PC employees regularly meet with language group organizations in order to promote Canadian heritage. They consult with them about management plans and invite them to participate in heritage presentation programs.

There was standardization of employee orientation at the national level in order to highlight linguistic duality across the country. The orientation program is distributed over the Intranet.

Some examples of external promotion of linguistic duality are the production of the French language version of a survival guide for new visitors to Jasper Park. The Ontario Service Centre has expanded and improved its Internet products for teachers and students (classroom tools, lesson plans and activities); the educational resources centre now offers over 90 teaching aids in both official languages. No such resources were offered in the past. The Mainland Nova Scotia Field Unit has invited the Acadian Consultative Committee to contribute to heritage presentation renewal of the Fort Anne National Historic Site and to participate in the activities surrounding the 400th anniversary of the founding of Port Royal.
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Last update: 2005-05-31