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Canadian-funded ISTC projects needing Canadian collaborators


Project #TitleLeading InstituteSupporting InstituteInt'l CollaboratorsCategoryTechnical Area
2479Development of Quality Control System and Quality Training and Consulting CenterState Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Moscow, RussianoneDepartment of the Army / U.S.Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command / Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, USA (Durst D)Applied researchCHE-IND / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Process Engineering
2762Process Adaptation for Treatment of HLW and ILW by Extraction with Zirconium Salt of HDBP and its Testing Using Real RadwasteKhlopin Radium Institute, St Petersburg, RussianoneBritish Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL) / Waste Disposal Research Group Sellafield R&D;, Seascale, Cumbria, UK (Rance P J W) COGEMA, Velizy, France (Debreuille M-F) European Commission / Joint Research Center / Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany (Glatz J-P) Florida State University / Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Tallahassee, FL, USA (Choppin G R) University of Manchester / Centre for Radiochemistry Research, Manchester, UK (May I)Technology developmentENV-RWT / Environment / Radioactive Waste Treatment
2883Investigation and mathematical modeling of radiation-chemical processes in the PuO2-absorbed water systemVNIINM Bochvar, Moscow, RussianoneBritish Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL) / Waste Disposal Research Group Sellafield R&D;, Seascale, Cumbria, UK (Rance P J W) CEA / Direction de l'Energie Nucleaire (DEN) / Department de Radiochimie et Procedes, Bagnoles sur Sèze, France (Herlet N) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los-Alamos, NM, USA (Mason C)2/Applied researchCHE-RAD / Chemistry / Photo and Radiation Chemistry; ENV-RWT / Environment / Radioactive Waste Treatment
2943Development of Technology of Spent Electrolytes of Galvanic Production (Chrome Plating, Nickel Plating, Copper Plating, etc.) Complete RecyclingVNIIEF, Sarov, N. Novgorod reg., Russianonenone3/Technology developmentCHE-IND / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Process Engineering ENV-SPC / Environment / Solid Waste Pollution and Control ENV-WPC / Environment / Water Pollution and Control
3081Development of New Methods of Manufacturing Unique Mono-Block Large-Sized PlatesNPO Lutch, Podolsk, Moscow reg., RussiaNIKIMT (Institute of Assembly Technology), Moscow, Russia MISIS (Steel and Alloys), Moscow, RussiaIlsenburger Grobblech, Ilsenburg, Germany (Wehage H) - Midland Resources Holding Ltd. / Moscow Representative Office, Moscow, Russia (Zavrazhnov A) - TU Bergakademie Freiberg / Institut fur Metallformung, Freiburg, Germany (Kawalla R)2/Submitted to Parties for Board Decision 2/Applied research - 3/Technology developmentFIR-ENG / Fission Reactors / Reactor Engineering and NPP MAN-MPS / Manufacturing Technology / Manufacturing, Planning, Processing and Control
3094Development of experimental Prototype of Equipment and Measuring Technique for Control of Subcriticality of Neutron Multiplying SystemsAll-Russian Research Institute of Automatics, Moscow, RussiaFEI (IPPE), Obninsk, Kaluga reg., RussiaOak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA (Mihalczo J T) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA (Griggs J R)1/Basic research 2/Applied researchFIR-NSS / Fission Reactors / Nuclear Safety and Safeguarding ENV-WPC / Environment / Water Pollution and Control FIR-EXP / Fission Reactors / Experiments FIR-INS / Fission Reactors / Nuclear Instrumentation
3119Design-Theoretical and Experimental Research on Justification of Safe Use of Dispersive Fuel in a Nuclear Reactor CoreVNIIEF, Sarov, N. Novgorod reg., RussiaNoneGeneral Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA (McEachern D W)1/Basic research 2/Applied researchFIR-NSS / Fission Reactors / Nuclear Safety and Safeguarding
3128Using Low-Enrichment Uranium in VNIIEF Pulsed Nuclear ReactorsVNIIEF, Sarov, N. Novgorod reg., RussiaNoneArgonne National Laboratory (ANL), Argonne, IL, USA (Travelli A) Princeton University / Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton, NJ, USA (von Hippel F)2/Applied research 3/Technology developmentFIR-MOD / Fission Reactors / Modelling
3131Development of Electrothermal Technology of CoatingMIFI, Moscow, RussianoneDrexel University / Center for the Plasma Processing of Materials, Philadelphia, PA, USA (Knight R) GTV mbH, Betzdorf, Germany (Kill S) High-Energy Frequency Tesla Inc., Ottawa, ON, Canada (Kekez M M)??3/Technology developmentINS-OTH / Instrumentation / Other
3157Spectrometric Position-Sensitive Detector of Electrons with Base Energy ShiftRussian Academy of Sciences / Physical Technical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia aka Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences noneBrookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA (Li Z) NanoCarbon Research Institute Ltd., Chiba, Japan (Osawa E)2/Applied research 3/Technology developmentINS-DET / Instrumentation / Detection Devices
3184Evolution of Substructure and Phase Morphology in Alpha-Beta Titanium Alloys during Plastic Deformation and Their Influence on Mechanical PropertiesInstitute of Metals Superplasticity Problems, Ufa, Bashkiria, RussiaMakeyev Design Bureau of State Rocket Center, Miass, Chelyabinsk reg., RussiaAir Force Research Laboratory / Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio, Wright-Patterson, OH, USA (Semiatin S L) Ladish Co., Cudahy, WI, USA (Furrer D)1/Basic researchMAT-ALL / Materials / High Performance Metals and Alloys MAN-MPS / Manufacturing Technology / Manufacturing, Planning, Processing and Control
3193Geological, Hydrogeological and Radioecological Qualification of Sites for Safe Disposal of Toxic and Radioactive Wastes in Cambrian and Vendian Clays in the North-West Region of RussiaResearch Institute of Technology, Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad reg., RussiaIGE (Institute of Geoecology) / Saint-Petersburg Branch, St Petersburg, RussiaUniversity of Minnesota / Minnesota Geological Survey, St Paul, MN, USA (Kanivetsky R)1/Basic research 2/Applied researchCHE-RAD / Chemistry / Photo and Radiation Chemistry ENV-MRA / Environment / Modelling and Risk Assessment ENV-RWT / Environment / Radioactive Waste Treatment ENV-WDS / Environment / Waste Disposal OBS-GEO / Other Basic Sciences / Geology
3221Development of New Technology and Equipment for Production of BIODIESEL (Vegetable Oil EstersState Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Moscow, Russia (GosNIIOKhT)NoneUniversity of Texas at Austin / Center for Energy and Environmental Resources, Austin, TX, USA3/Technology developmentCHE-IND / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Process Engineering
3253Study of Mechanisms of Active Medium Formation by Electric Discharge in Pulse-Periodic Oxygen-Iodine LaserVNIIEF, Sarov, N. Novgorod reg., RussiaFIAN Lebedev, Moscow, Russia TRINITI, Troitsk, Moscow reg., RussiaAir Force Research Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, USA (Ackermann H, Hager G D) Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. / Institut fur Technische Physik, Stuttgart, Germany (Bohn W L) - Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany - Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan (Wani F) - Schafer Corporation, Albuquerque, NM, USA (Walter R F, Hallada M R)2/Applied research 3/Technology developmentPHY-OPL / Physics / Optics and Lasers
3288Investigations of Gas and Aerosol Exchange Between the Atmosphere and Underlying Surface Using New Instruments with Fast time responseKarpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, RussiaInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow, Russia Institute of General Physics named after A.M. Prokhorov RAS, Moscow, RussiaTNO, Apeldoorn, Netherlands (Roemer M) UFZ-Umveltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, Germany (Weissflog L) University of Graz / Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics and Meteorology, Graz, Austria (Putz E)1/Basic research 2/Applied researchCHE-THE / Chemistry / Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ENV-APC / Environment / Air Pollution and Control ENV-MIN / Environment / Monitoring and Instrumentation INS-MEA / Instrumentation / Measuring Instruments
K-788.2Atlas of Bacterial and Virus Zoonotic Infections Distribution in KazakhstanKazakh Scientific Center for Quarantine and Zoonotic Diseases, Almaty, KazakstanNational Biotechnology Center of Kazakstan / Scientific Research Agricultural Institute, Gvardeiski, KazakstanJohns Hopkins University / Center for International Emergency, Disaster and Refugee Studies, Baltimore, MD, USA (Chotani R) The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA (Peterson A T)2/Applied researchBIO-BCH / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Biochemistry BIO-MIB / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Microbiology BIO-PAB / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Public Health
K-847Development and Production of Reagents for Diagnosis of Dangerous Bacterial Zoonotic InfectionsKazakh Institute for Research on Plague ControlnoneCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, USA (Chu M C)Technology DevelopmentBIO-PAB / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Public Health
K-1203High-Sensitive Ion Technology for Measurements of Low Concentrations of Hydrogen Heavy IsotopesNational Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, KazakstannoneMiddlesex University / School of Health and Social Sciences, London, UK (Priest N)3/Technology developmentENV-MIN / Environment / Monitoring and Instrumentation
KR-1154Information and Analytical Center for Extremely Dangerous Infections in Kyrgyz RepublicRepublican Center of Quarantine and Especially Dangerous Infections, Bishkek, KyrgyzstanKyrgyz National Univesity named after J.Balasagyn, Bishkek, KyrgyzstanNone1/Basic research 2/Applied researchBIO-PAB / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Public Health
K- 1328Semipalatinsk Test Site Environment Assessment Using Bioindication MethodsNational Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakstan, Kurchatov, Kazakstan noneUniversity of Liverpool / School of Biological Sciences, Liverpool, UK (Leah R T) 2/Submitted to Parties for Board Decision 1/Basic research 2/Applied research BIO-ECO / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Ecology
KR-1325Enhancement of the Foot and Mouth Disease Control Program in Kyrgyz Republic: Advancement in Diagnostic Assays and Control MeasuresKyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock, Veterinary and Pastures, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Open Joint Stock Company Altyn-Tamyr, Bishkek, KyrgyzstanColorado State University / College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Fort Collins, CO, USA (Salman Mo) - Iowa State University / Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics, Ames, IA, USA (Roth J A) - The University of Georgia / College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, GA, USA (Brown C) - United States Department of Agriculture / Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Greenport, NY, USA (Rodriguez L L) 2/Submitted to Parties for Board Decision 2/Applied researchBIO-MIB / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Microbiology ENV-EHS / Environment / Environmental Health and Safety
KR-1327The estimation of Potential Biological Danger from Natural Arbovirus Foci in Kyrgyz Republic with a Help of Modern Molecular-Genetic Methods, Studying of Isolated Viruses and Development of Diagnostic PreparationsRepublican Center of Quarantine and Especially Dangerous Infections, Bishkek, KyrgyzstanNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan / Biotechnology Institution, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan State Sanitary Epidemiological Supervision Department, Bishkek, KyrgyzstanFlorida Gulf Coast University, South Fort Myers, FL, USA (Michael S F)2/Submitted to Parties for Board Decision 2/Applied research ENV-EHS / Environment / Environmental Health and Safety BIO-MIB / Biotechnology and Life Sciences / Microbiology ENV-MIN / Environment / Monitoring and Instrumentation