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Seminar Bulletin Enrollment Reports Directory of Departments of German at Canadian Universities and Colleges

Meetings & Conferences
Calls for Papers Annual Meeting Learned Societies Conference

Jobmarket Study&Work Abroad Homepages of Departments of German at Canadian Universities and Colleges Course Sites HSSFC 'Perspectives' Links Dictionaries

Boeschenstein Medal Dissertation Prize


November 2005

The updated Directory and the latest Bulletin are now available.

CAUTG-Dissertation Prize 2005

The prize was awarded to Dr. Elena Pnevmonidou, University of Victoria

September, 2005

Call for Papers for the CAUTG Annual Meeting at York University in Toronto (May 27-30, 2006).

July 18, 2005

The CAUTG Enrollment Report 2004-2005 now available.

April 10, 2005

The CAUTG Bulletin 33.2 (April 2005) and the Program for the Annual Meeting are now available.

September 16, 2004

The CAUTG Enrolment Report 2003-04 is now available.

September 12, 2004

Added a list of dictionaries to the main menu. Thanks Arnd for the links!

September 5, 2004
Welcome to the new CAUTG/APAUC-Website.

I would like to thank Thomas Lornsen for offering his expertise and for programming the new look. What do you think? Please leave your comments, suggestions, etc. in the CAUTG-Forum.

Und wenn wir schon dabei sind: wie wäre es mit einer Sammlung von Kursseiten? Wir hatten vor einigen Jahren angefangen, Kulturseiten zu sammeln und vielleicht könnten wir dies nun fortführen. Wenn ihr interessante Kursseiten habt, die für alle zugänglich sind, schickt bitte die URL an mich und wir verlinken sie! (Beispiel)

July 28, 2004
Forum online

Since Vitamin C (=connections) is vital, we are proud to bring to you our new forum. It is a great way to connect with other Germanists in Canada. So please sign up and start posting. We especially encourage students to participate and hope that soon we'll have a lively discussion on all kinds of German Studies-related topics.
May 23, 2004
CAUTG-Dissertation Prize 2004

The prize was awarded to Dr. Judith Sidler, Dalhousie

Copyright 2004 CAUTG/APAUC | Design&Programming;: Thomas Lornsen | Webmaster: Dr. Peter Gölz