Who will follow Merkel?

Germany will be electing a new Bundestag (the country’s parliament) in September, as well as a new head of government. All candidates with a serious chance of winning have now been nominated.

Germany and the world


What remembrance needs

How can the Holocaust remain tangible for today’s young people? A Europe-wide remembrance programme has some interesting ideas.

Coronavirus in Germany


Coronavirus in Germany

Everything you need to know about the corona crisis in Germany and the measures being taken against the spread of the virus.

Topic of the week

Topic of the week: Fighting crime

Focus on security

German police officers are deployed with international security forces worldwide. We take a look at three projects.
Topic of the week: Fighting crime

“A criminal pandemic”

Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock on criminal threats and effective responses during the coronavirus pandemic.


Choose your topic

Media in Germany

An overview of newspapers, radio and television, as well as analyses on the future of the media.

German language

Facts about the German language, learning tips, free language courses and important links for people learning or teaching German.

Working in Germany

How to succeed in entering the German labour market. Information on career opportunities for international skilled personnel, tips on applying, training and job hunting.


German business is squaring up to a fourth industrial revolution. The Federal Government is driving digital change.

German language

Facts about the German language, learning tips, free language courses and important links for people learning or teaching German.
Souaad Al-Samra, intern at the Alfried Krupp Hospital in Essen, Germany
Meeting people

"A great opportunity for both sides"

Read more

Studying in Germany

Information on universities, courses and scholarships, and the best tips for international applicants.

Wir zeigen euch die Vor- und Nachteile des digitalen Lernens.

Online learning in Germany

Learning German or studying for a degree online: e-learning offers many opportunities, especially during the corona crisis. An overview
Focus on our partner
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Alumniportal Deutschland

The social network for Germany-Alumni: Learn more about knowledge exchange, networking, further education and career.

Focus on our partner
Presented by

D+C Development and Cooperation

Forum for debate linking the Global South to the Global North

Germany interactive