Thu Oct 23 22:27:45 EDT 2008


Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney gestures as he responds to a question during a news conference on the banks Monetary Policy Report in Ottawa, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2008. (Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Economy to rebound by 2010: Bank of Canada

The Bank of Canada predicts we will avoid a recession -- but just barely -- and says growth will be slow and insignificant for the foreseeable future. more...


pop: Mike Duffy Live

Mike Duffy Live

Thursday, Oct. 23: Parliament's fall session and protecting the banks. >

pop: CTV's Question Period

CTV's Question Period

John McCallum challenges Finance Minister Jim Flaherty's budget record. >

Election Day

Check final results; see how poll tracking registered on election night. >

The Giller Prize

Nominees talk about their works with CTV.ca. Excerpts now online. >

Northern Nudes

Five elite Canadian biathletes took it all off to raise money for the 2010 Winter Games. >

pop: 'My Story'

Julie Couillard

Julie Couillard reveals the 'sole reason' why she had to write her book. >

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Weekly News Quiz

Have you been reading our headlines? Test your News IQ. >

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Today's Question

There are less than two weeks to go until the U.S. election. Who are you rooting for?

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