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CMHC for Housing Industry Professionals and Community Groups November 2006

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2005 Canadian Housing Observer

Affordable Housing
Home to Canadians for the past 60 years.

Advice, Guidance and Information

Getting Help from CMHC's Partnership Team

For over a decade, the Canadian Centre for Public Private Partnership in Housing has been a source of housing expertise and advice. In each of CMHC's five business centres and at its National Office in Ottawa, Partnership Representatives and other CMHC staff will work with you to further your housing project.

Community Meetings
Our representatives often go to communities much like yours to explain the housing development process and the services available from CMHC.

One-on-one consultation
We will sit down with you to provide advice and expertise on a wide range of housing related topics. Sometimes your question can be answered quickly by giving us a call!

Because of our extensive experience in housing related matters, we can introduce you to potential project partners who can help with proposal development, fund raising, financing, construction and project management.

Financing Advice
Mortgage loan insurance makes it easier to obtain financing for your affordable housing project. We will meet with you to review your project proposal and provide guidance before you take it to your lender.

Market Analysis
Look to CMHC first for up to date information on housing market developments, demographic and socio-economic influences on housing demand, even rental vacancy rates.

Housing Research
Canada is recognized worldwide for the high quality of its housing. One reason for this is CMHC's commitment to research to help Canadians understand and improve the technical, economic, environmental and social aspects of housing. Our research will help you plan your project.

Housing Seminars and Workshops
The Partnership Centre representatives and other CMHC colleagues are regular presentors at regional and national housing related conferences, sharing affordable housing partnership best practices. We can also put you in touch with successful housing providers who are willing to share their experience and advice at your event.

Information Sources
The Partnership Courier is the Partnership Centre's newsletter highlighting housing partnership best practices, latest housing research findings, as well as upcoming affordable housing events. There is no cost for a subscription