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CMHC for Consumers November 2006

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The following fact sheet is part of the About Your House — General Series

Accessible Housing by Design — Ramps

Universal Design

People who inhabit and visit the houses and homes we live in come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from infants to seniors, with various ever-changing abilities and skills. As we grow up, grow old and welcome new people to our homes, our housing needs change. A house or dwelling that is designed and constructed to reflect the principles of Universal Design will be safer and more accommodating to the diverse range of ages and abilities of people, who live in and visit these homes.

Principles of Universal Design

Principle 1 — Equitable Use
Principle 2 — Flexibility in Use
Principle 3 — Simple and Intuitive
Principle 4 — Perceptible Information
Principle 5 — Tolerance of Error
Principle 6 — Low physical effort
Principle 7 — Size and space for approach and use

Universal Design is defined as: “The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.” The concept is an evolving design philosophy.

The first principle focuses on providing equitable access for everyone in an integrated and dignified manner. It means that the design is appealing to everyone and provides an equal level of safety for all users. Principle 2, flexibility, means that the design of the house or home has been developed considering the wide range of individual preferences and abilities throughout the life cycle of the occupants.

The layout and design of the home should be easy to understand, regardless of the user's experience or cognitive ability. Principle 3 requires that design elements be simple and work intuitively.

The provision of information using a combination of different modes, whether using visual, audible or tactile methods will ensure that everyone is able to safely and effectively use the elements of the home. Principle 4 encourages the provision of information appealing to all of our senses when interacting with our home environment, using our sight, hearing and touch.

Principle 5 incorporates a tolerance of error, minimizing the potential for unintended results. This involves design considerations that include failsafe features and give thought to how all users may safely use the space or product.

Principle 6 deals with limiting the amount of strength, stamina and dexterity required to access spaces or use controls and products.

The final one, Principle 7, focuses on the amount of room needed to access spaces, equipment and controls. This includes designing for the appropriate size and space for all family members and visitors to safely reach, see and operate all elements of the home.

Do I Need a Building Permit Before Starting the Construction?

Before commencing the construction of any ramp, it is always a good idea to contact your local building department to find out if a building permit is required. The building department may also be a great source of information on how best to design and construct a ramp in your area.

Building permits are generally not required when the changes in level are minor and a ramp is an integral part of landscaping (sloped sidewalks, re-grading, etc.), or when a portable ramp is used. However, building permits are usually required for longer ramps or where there is a significant change in level.

When should you consider using a ramp?

A ramp can be used to overcome changes in level, either on the inside or outside of a home, as an alternative to using stairs. Many First Nations communities use ramps instead of stairs at their main entrances.

A ramp is ideal for people who are having difficulty negotiating stairs for various reasons, be it the need to carry heavy objects between levels, move a child in a stroller, or because of a disabling condition. Having a ramp at a change in level demonstrates Principle 2, flexibility in use; it provides easy access to a facility to people with disabilities as well as others. Providing both stairs and a ramp at changes in level will allow people to choose the option that best suits their needs, resulting in a flexible and more universally accessible design.

Design of Ramps

Ramps are particularly useful for overcoming changes in level up to about 760 mm (30 inches). Using ramps for changes in level greater than this requires a great deal of space — which may or may not be practical. If you are faced with a large change in level, consideration should be given to installing a vertical or inclined platform lift as this may be a better strategy than constructing a ramp. The physical and monetary costs associated with both options should be fully explored when making a decision on the option that will accommodate the greatest number of users.

Photo 1: Ramping Using a Landscape Approach — Betty Dion

Are There Different Strategies Ramp Design?

There are typically two strategies used for ramp design; a landscape approach or a structural approach.

Using a landscape approach incorporates landscaping, gently sloping walkways and grading to overcome changes in level (see Photo 1). A safe path with a gentle slope can be built without railings, (unless there are abrupt drop-offs on either side, or users need them) resulting in an integrated, low-key design that does not look like a traditional ramp, reflecting the Universal design principle of equitable use. However, such an approach is generally limited to smaller changes in level.

Using a structural approach involves building a ramp structure — usually using wood-framing construction (see Photos 2 and 3). This results in a more dominant design, although the dominance can be minimized through creative design, landscaping and finishes.

The most common ramp configurations are

Angled ramps may also be used, but remember that the start and finish of the ramp must incorporate a straight approach. Curved ramps are not recommended as they make steering a wheelchair, walker or scooter very difficult. In all cases though, depending on the length of the ramp, landings may still be required as resting points.

Photo 2: Switch-Back Ramp — Bob Topping

U-Shaped Ramp
Photo 3: U-Shaped Ramp — Bob Topping

How steep should the ramp be?

Building codes require a slope no steeper than 1 in 12 for public buildings. That is, for every one inch of change in height, the ramp must be 12 inches in length. For example, if your porch is 18 inches above ground level, the ramp would have to be 18 feet long — and that does not include any landings! Try out ramps recently built in your community at the post-office, bank or municipal offices, for example to see if a 1 in 12 (1:12) ramp will work for you at home.

Many people find it difficult to independently use a ramp that has a slope of 1 in 12. The Universal design principle of low physical effort can be best achieved by designing a shallower ramp for your home. Slopes of 1 in 15, 1 in 18,or 1 in 20 require less effort and may be easier to use without assistance. Remember though, the less steep it is, the longer the ramp will have to be.

Some people may be able to manage ramp slopes steeper than 1 in 12, especially if they use a powered wheelchair — but such steep ramps are generally not recommended as there may be visitors to your home who cannot safely use them. One possible exception to this recommendation is where a ramp is being constructed solely for use as a secondary exit from your home in an emergency situation: in this case a steeper ramp may be acceptable if there is not enough space to construct a 1 in 12 ramp.

A steeper ramp may also be acceptable to some people when it is used to overcome a small change in level, such as: at the threshold of a sliding door; at a single step outside; or to a sunken living room. In such cases a slope of 1 in 10, or even 1 in 8 may be acceptable — but be sure to try it out first! Steeper slopes may also be acceptable when independent use is not a priority and assistance is always available, but check with your local building code.

If you are considering a landscape approach to ramping, try to achieve slopes no steeper than 1 in 20.

L-Shaped Ramp
Diagram 1: L-Shaped Ramp (a site-constructed concrete ramp) — Matthew Fleet

Designing a Ramp

Ramps generally require a lot of space; particularly if they are used to overcome significant changes in level. In addition, landings which are required at the top and bottom of a ramp, at all changes in direction, and where the run is longer than 9 m (30 feet), further increase the space requirements for ramps.

  • Slope: The length of the ramp will depend upon two primary factors: the overall change in level and the slope used. A slope of 1:12 is used in building codes, however 1:15 is recommended and 1:20 should be considered if the primary users of the ramp have limited strength or stamina, or if you are using an integrated landscape design to incorporate your ramp.
  • Length: Unless you have very good strength and stamina, it is recommended that no single length of ramp be more than about 6 meters (20 feet) in length between landings. A single length of ramp should never be more than 9 meters (30 feet) in length between landings.
  • Width: The clear width of the ramp should be about 1,000 mm (39 inches) — this does not include the space required for any handrails, guards or other structural components that might be required. Note: If users are unable to steer their walker, wheelchair or scooter in a reasonably straight line, a wider ramp should be considered.
  • Level Landings:
    • Level landings should be spaced 6 – 9 meters (20 – 30 feet) apart and be at least 1,525 mm (5 feet) long.
    • Where the ramp landing changes direction or incorporates a turn, it should be at least 1,525 mm x 1,525 mm (5 feet x 5 feet) to provide appropriate maneuvering space to make the turn. Note: If the ramp is designed to accommodate a scooter or another large type of wheelchair, more space will likely be required — a space of at least 2,100 mm x 2,100 mm (7 feet x 7 feet) is recommended. Ensuring there is enough turning space is an application of the Universal design principle of size and space for approach and use.
    • At the top and bottom of the ramp you should incorporate a flat area of at least 1,525 mm x 1,525 mm (5 feet x 5 feet) to provide maneuvering space to get on/off the ramp. Door swings should not encroach on this space. Note: If a scooter or another larger type of wheelchair is used, more space will likely be required — a space of at least 2,100 mm x 2,100 mm (7 feet x 7  feet) is recommended.
  • Location: As the ramp may also be used by people who are walking, ensure there is clear headroom of at least 2,100 mm (7 feet) over ramps and landings. Also, be sure that protruding objects such as, air-conditioners, window flower boxes or low awnings do not overhang a ramp or its landings. When deciding on the ramp location, consider existing landscape items such as trees, shrubs, etc. relative to the driveway/parking area and the entrance.

Dual Height Handrail
Diagram 2: Dual Height Handrail - Bob Topping

Ramp Handrail
Diagram 3: Ramp Handrail — Bob Topping

Should the Ramp have Handrails?

The need for ramp handrails is a building code requirement and they are always recommended for ramps steeper than 1 in 20 (1:20).

Where handrails are not a requirement, it is recommended that a raised lip or edge protection be provided to prevent someone from wheeling off the edge of the ramp.

If the primary users require support on one or both sides of the ramp, handrails should be provided on both sides located 860 mm – 920 mm (34 inches – 36 inches) above the surface of the ramp (see Diagram 2). The handrails should be continuous around the landings.

If the primary users are children, persons of small stature, or wheelchair users who require railings to assist in pulling themselves up, a second lower handrail should also be considered for both sides. This demonstrates an understanding of the Universal design principle of tolerance for error, as people who cannot push themselves up a ramp, are provided an alternative means of ascending the ramp.

Handrails are required to be a comfortable size and shape for grasping. A circular shape 30 – 40 mm (1-3/16 to 1-9/16 inches) in diameter is appropriate for most people, although children and other persons with small hands may prefer smaller sizes (see Diagram 3). Care should be taken to affix the handrail so that it can be grasped continuously along its entire length — the location of brackets or posts should not require a user to let go of the handrail at any time.

Some users with limited balance will want to steady themselves using the handrail before they move onto the sloped surface, which is why the handrails should extend horizontally for at least 300 mm (12 inches) beyond the top and bottom of any sloped surface.

If the change in level at the edge of a ramp or landing is more than 600 mm (24 inches), railings, or “guards,” (at least 1,070 mm (42 inches) high) are required for safety. Edge protection is required where the edges of ramps are not at grade or adjacent to a wall to prevent someone from wheeling off the edge of the ramp.

Other things to think about …

  • Ramps should be well-lit throughout to create a welcoming area which is safe to use.
  • Using colour-contrasting handrails assists people with low vision to identify and use them.
  • Using tactile and contrasting coloured strips on the ground surface across the top and bottom of ramp slopes alerts users to a change from a level surface to an inclining or declining surface. This is in keeping with the design principle of perceptible information.
  • For safety, ramps should end on a sidewalk or driveway, and not enter directly onto a road.
  • Drainage should be carefully considered to avoid the accumulation of water on the ramp surface, particularly where it might freeze and cause a slippery surface. The cross slope should not exceed 1:50 (2 per cent). If drains are provided, they should be located outside of the path of travel.

Portable Ramps
Photo 4: Portable Ramps — Alumni Ramp

Constructing a Ramp

Ramps can be either prefabricated or site-constructed in place, form various configurations, and be made from various materials.

Prefabricated Ramp Systems

Prefabricated ramp systems can be categorized into two basic types: portable ramps and fixed ramps.

Portable Ramps (see Photo 4)

Portable ramps are usually made of aluminium, generally come in various lengths from 900 – 2,400 mm (3 – 8 feet), and are useful for overcoming smaller changes in level such as a curb, or a couple of steps.

While they can be a cost-effective solution to overcome smaller changes in level, safety and usability should always be considered. They are an excellent choice for temporary ramps but the lack of handrails and steeper slopes will not be appropriate for many people.

Portable ramps can usually be purchased through local home healthcare and medical supply retailers, or ordered on-line using the Internet.

Modular Ramp Systems (see Photo 5)

Modular ramp systems incorporate sloped surfaces of varying lengths, as well as landings, guards and handrails, and can be designed and constructed to meet almost any situation. They are usually fabricated from metal components and are available in standard “off-the-shelf” sizes or customized.

When using modular ramping systems, it is important to provide a stable and firm base, and the potential effects of ground settlement and frost heave should be carefully considered when locating and fastening a prefabricated ramp system.

Using a modular ramp system may be a practical and cost-effective solution where a temporary ramp is required, as they are quicker and easier to assemble and disassemble than site-constructed ramps. In addition, when dismantled, the ramp components can often be reused in other locations.

Modular systems can usually be ordered through your local home healthcare and medical supply retailers, or on-line using the Internet.

A Modular Ramp System
Photo 5: A Modular Ramp System — Andres Balcazar

Site-Constructed Ramp Systems

The three most common methods for site-built ramps are poured concrete, interlocking brick and wood framing.

Concrete Ramps (see Photo 6)

In a residential setting, poured concrete ramps are typically used to overcome smaller changes in level. Concrete is poured directly on grade, over a bed of well-compacted granular fill. The surface of concrete ramps should be broom-finished (a course broom is dragged over the almost-set concrete) to create a slightly roughened, slip-resistant finish which is very durable.

Concrete ramps can be easily configured in most shapes and can easily incorporate handrails, curbs and landings of any shape and size.

Constructing a concrete ramp could be tackled by a homeowner as a do-it-yourself project, but unless you are familiar with techniques of forming, pouring, tamping, finishing and curing of concrete, this type of work is best left to the experts.

When concrete is used for larger ramps, it is usually reinforced with steel bars. Moulds (forms) are built to temporarily support the concrete, which is poured over steel reinforcing bars, until the concrete sets. Such reinforced concrete ramps should be designed and inspected by a structural engineer, and constructed by a licensed contractor.

Interlocking-Brick Ramps (see Photo 7)

Interlocking brick is frequently used as a material for outdoor ramps due to its flexibility, as well as the variety of colours, sizes and textures that are available. Due to the modular nature of the material, interlocking brick ramps can be configured to almost any shape. Curbs and handrails can also be added.

Interlocking brick ramps are typically used to overcome smaller changes in level. The bricks are laid directly on grade, over a bed of well-compacted granular fill. The granular fill is a critical component of the ramp system as it drains water away from underneath the bricks—minimizing settlement and the effects of the freeze-thaw cycle.

Ongoing maintenance is a further consideration when choosing an interlocking brick ramp system. It is quite common for some of the individual bricks to settle or heave, resulting in a potential tripping hazard for users. Periodic lifting and relaying of some bricks will be necessary to ensure a safe and level surface.

The surface of interlocking brick tends to be “bumpy,” so if your threshold for dealing with minor vibration is low, an interlocking brick ramp may not be the best choice.

Constructing an interlock brick ramp is relatively simple, and may be a realistic do-it-yourself project for homeowners. Your local lumber store or building material supplier is a great source for installation guides and other “how-to” information.

The cost of interlocking brick ramps can vary greatly depending upon the type of pavers chosen, as well as the inclusion of features such as handrails, guards and curbs.

Healthy Housing Choices

  • Consider the following recommendations to maximize resource efficiency, environmental responsibility and provide a healthier housing environment.
  • Use kiln-dried, finger-jointed spruce lumber.
  • Minimize use of pressure-treated lumber.
  • Use water-based paint and stain finishes.
  • When a landscaping approach is used for ramping, incorporate a drip irrigation system, as well as native grasses, native trees and shrubs.
  • Avoid the growth of mold in crawl-spaces under ramps through proper ventilation.

What About Snow?

If you are building an exterior ramp and live in an area where there is lots of snow or rain, having a covered ramp would be ideal. If this is not possible, consider:

  • locating the ramp on the side of your house that is least likely to be affected by snow drifts or windblown rain;
  • locating the ramp to minimize the effect of snow and rain falling from the roof;
  • choosing durable materials for the ramp surface that can be shovelled;
  • where handrails or guards are used, leaving a gap at the bottom to allow for snow removal;
  • choosing materials that provide good grip, even when wet.

Concrete Ramp
Photo 6: Concrete Ramp — Betty Dion

Wood-Framed Ramps (see Photos 2 and 3)

Wood-framed ramps usually incorporate a framed structure constructed from standard lumber and usually finished with either plywood sheets, or wood decking. Newer, more durable and/or environmentally friendly decking materials made from recycled plastic, recycled wood or wood-composite materials, are also available at many lumber stores.

Exterior wood-framed ramps should be constructed on a firm and stable base, with proper footings to minimize the effect of settlement and frost heave.

If decking is used as a finish material, the gaps between the boards should be no more than 6 mm (1/4 inch) and the decking should run horizontal to the path of travel. The use of decking will result in a somewhat “bumpy” surface, which may not be appropriate for some people.

The slip-resistance of the surface of wood ramps should be carefully considered. Painted, stained or untreated wood will become very slippery when wet. Consider mixing sand into paint to provide a more slip-resistant finish. “Grit” paint is a specially designed paint that is very durable, long-lasting and easy to maintain. Alternatively, ramps can be finished with a rubberized material such as those used for surfacing children's playgrounds.

Wood-framed ramps need to be carefully designed to safely support the loads they have to carry, including people, equipment and snow. Local building codes should be consulted for specific design and construction requirements. If you are familiar with basic wood-framing techniques, the construction of a wood-framed ramp would certainly be a realistic do-it-yourself project for many homeowners.

Interlocking Brick
Photo 7: Interlocking Brick — Betty Dion


While Canadian building codes and design standards generally provide information in metric units, there are many contractors and building materials suppliers who continue to work with imperial measurements. Consequently, within this publication measurements are indicated in both metric (millimetres) and imperial (feet and inch) units.

The metric measurement system incorporates multiple “basic” units of measurement including metres, centimetres and millimetres.

1 metre (1 m) = 100 centimetres (100 cm) = 1,000 millimetres (1,000 mm)
For example: 0.76 m = 76 cm = 760 mm

Straight Ramp
Photo 8: Straight Ramp — Alzheimer Society of Peel

Glossary of Common Terms

Cross slope: The slope that is perpendicular to the direction of travel.
Guard: A safety railing used as a barrier to prevent encroachment or accidental falling from height.
Handrail: An element which is normally grasped by hand for support at stairs, ramps and other places where needed for safety of users.
Landing: A flat platform incorporated into a ramp, normally used at the top and bottom of ramps, and at changes in direction.
Ramp: A walking/ wheeling surface which has a running slope of more than 1 in 20. (1:20)
Rise: The vertical change in level of a sloped surface.
Run: The horizontal length of a sloped surface.
Running slope: The slope that is parallel to the direction of travel.