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CMHC for Housing Finance Clients and International Clients November 2006

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CMHC International


2005 Canadian Housing Observer

Home to Canadians for the past 60 years.

Housing Market Analysis

Enlightened public policy and rational business decisions are built on solid research. Under the mounting pressures of urbanization in the developing world, cities are in vital need of accurate and systematic information about their land markets and housing stock, while developers need facts on housing supply and demand and financial markets.

Assessing Housing Systems

CMHC International is a premier analyst of housing and mortgage market sectors. Our researchers will tell you what is happening in your marketplace today and help you prepare forecasts so you can plan prudently for tomorrow. Come to us for assessments of:

  • land and real estate markets
  • housing construction
  • housing inventories, conditions and prices
  • primary and secondary mortgage market performance
  • macroeconomic and demographic trends

Many of our clients also look to CMHC International for research on housing technology, urbanization, housing needs and regulatory barriers. In addition to hard statistical data, our experienced research analysts can provide you with suggestions on how to collect and interpret data available today to assist you with decision-making. In Central America, CMHC’s experts provided an assessment of the commercial potential of the mortgage market. In China and India, CMHC was hired to determine the feasibility and potential demand for mortgage insurance and securitization.

We use a wide array of sources, ranging from census data and international databases to published surveys and academic studies.We conduct interviews with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including developers, real estate agents, lawyers, mortgage lenders, investment bankers, public officials and personnel from nongovernmental organizations.

Whether you’re a builder planning a new housing development, a housing company or mortgage lender looking to establish a new institution or service, a financial institution preparing to issue a new line of mortgage bonds, or a municipal government planning new infrastructure, look to CMHC International for reliable facts and sound analysis.

Developing Your Capacity

Developing effective housing policy requires an intimate knowledge of local and regional housing markets, as well as an understanding of the factors affecting housing supply and demand. Housing prices, the quantity and quality of housing stock, the cost of borrowing and lending — all of these have a bearing on how housing markets develop.

Understanding housing markets and forecasting how they will evolve also requires a solid understanding of the interplay between the housing market and the economy as a whole. What’s more, it requires a capacity to track and predict housing finance conditions.

As Canada’s premier source of housing market information for more than half a century, CMHC has developed extensive data gathering and analysis systems capable of tracking all issues of relevance to the housing market and housing policy. These include monitoring housing production, assessing and predicting housing demand, tracking construction costs and housing prices, presenting comprehensive regional briefings to housing developers and other practitioners, publishing assessments and forecasts of the mortgage market, and publishing Canada’s Housing Observer, an annual comprehensive state of- the-nation report on housing in Canada. As well, during that period, CMHC has developed a well honed market research capacity to assist in the development and sale of CMHC’s own products and services.

CMHC International is spreading this expertise to countries such as Egypt, where the Corporation is helping set up Egypt’s first Urban Observatory, a new market analysis organization. Similar cooperation opportunities are being considered in Asia. In Latvia, CMHC was commissioned to measure the market potential for various government programs and housing finance products.

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