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CMHC for Housing Finance Clients and International Clients November 2006

CMHC for Housing Finance Clients and International Clients
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CMHC International

2005 Canadian Housing Observer

Home to Canadians for the past 60 years.

CMHC is the Mortgage Insurer of Choice. The Advantages Are Clear!

Innovative Products and Services

CMHC's evolving suite of mortgage loan insurance products and services expands business opportunities and helps Approved Lenders meet their clients' needs today and in the future.

A Knowledgeable Business Partner

Through experience, expertise and leadership, CMHC has been a trusted business partner for 60 years. CMHC's local underwriting teams work with Approved Lenders to find the right solutions, providing fast, efficient, and knowledgeable service.

Protection Against Default Losses

CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance protects Approved Lenders against losses arising from mortgage loan defaults. In the event of a claim, CMHC pays 100% of eligible costs, including the outstanding loan balance and other charges (e.g. interest arrears and legal expenses).

Increased Competitiveness

Loans that are insured against default enable Approved Lenders to offer borrowers more competitive interest rates.

Effective Default Management and Claims Payment

CMHC supports lender's default management efforts by providing Approved Lenders with effective tools and access to experienced and knowledgeable CMHC default management and claims payment staff.

Enhanced Capital Management

With CMHC insured mortgage loans, Approved Lenders benefit from reduced capital requirements, making it easier to raise funds for mortgage lending and manage the balance sheet effectively.

Securitization-Ready Assets

CMHC insured mortgage loans are eligible for CMHC's Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) Program. MBS pools of CMHC insured residential mortgages provide lenders with a source of low cost funding for mortgage lending.