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CMHC for Consumers November 2006

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Buying a Home
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Renovating a Home
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Homebuying Step by Step — Interactive Version
Consumer E-Newsletter Step Through the Life-Cycle of Your Home
Home to Canadians for the past 60 years.

Before You Renovate…

Key Questions Before You Start

  1. Is Your Renovation Practical?
  2. Your Money's Worth?  
  3. Is your Renovation Adaptable?  
  4. And Healthy?

A successful renovation can be a dream come true, but without careful planning and management, it can be a nightmare.

Be informed. Before you pick up a hammer, pick up a book or a video on home renovation. Talk to friends and neighbours who've renovated. Explore all the options, and remember the carpenter's creed: measure twice, cut once. Mistakes on paper are easy to fix­ and inexpensive. Mistakes on the job are not. The following questions will help make sure you're heading in the right direction.