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CMHC for Housing Industry Professionals and Community Groups November 2006

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2005 Canadian Housing Observer

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Housing Studies Achievement Award (HSAA)

CMHC's Housing Studies Achievement Award, offered every two years, will recognize and reward academic work theses — (Master's or Doctoral level) or major research papers (Master's level) — that represents a significant contribution to the understanding and the advancement of housing in Canada.


Canadian Master's or Doctoral students studying anywhere in the world are eligible. Students applying for this award will be asked to send to CMHC a summary of their thesis (Master's or Doctoral level) or major research paper (Master's level) dealing with housing in any discipline. The thesis/major research paper must have been completed and approved by the School of Graduate Studies between April 15, 2005 and April 15, 2007.

Deadline for Entries

The deadline for submissions is in the Spring of 2007, the exact date to be determined.

Judging the Entries

Eligible applications will be considered at the meeting of an independent external Selection Committee. The Committee, appointed by CMHC, is comprised of academics in housing research.

Number and Value of Awards

Up to three Master's and three Doctoral students who are studying in fields related to housing will each be offered a one-time payment of $10,000 CAN.

Awards Dinner

Successful applicants will be sponsored by CMHC to attend an awards dinner in Ottawa in November 2007, where each recipient will receive $10,000. Recipients will provide to CMHC a copy of their thesis (Master's or Doctoral level) or major research paper (Master's level), to be deposited in the CMHC Canadian Housing Information Centre in Ottawa.

Guidelines and Application Form

The Guidelines and Application Form will be available on this website in late 2006 or January 2007.