Frequently asked questions

1. How can I search CANSIM?
2. How much does a CANSIM retrieval cost?
3. What’s the difference between a “Time Series retrieval” and a “Table retrieval”?
4. What kinds of information can I expect on CANSIM?
5. If I need help downloading my data, whom do I contact?
6. What are my format options for output from CANSIM?
7. How do I know when my CANSIM data is going to be updated?
8. If I need help with my CANSIM billing (e-commerce), whom do I contact?
9. How do I know I have the right data?
10. How will I know when CANSIM has to go down for maintenance?


Q. How can I search CANSIM?

R. You can search by subject, text, table number, series number and survey number. Where more than one table falls into your search criterion, just follow the prompts that will help to guide your selection


Click on the “Contact us” button to request help



Q. How much does a CANSIM retrieval cost?

R. Series typically cost $3 each. The charge is determined by the number of variables you choose, such as geography or other elements. You may choose any number of reference periods at no extra charge. Volume discounts are available to deposit account customers. Your total charge is displayed to you before you enter your credit card information. Go to our Pricing Information page for more information.



Q. What’s the difference between a “Time Series retrieval” and a “Table retrieval”?

R. Time Series retrieval allows you to select time series data from several CANSIM tables

Table retrieval will provide ONE table, or a subset of series from ONE table.



Q. What kinds of information can I expect on CANSIM?

R. The CANSIM database contains tables of socio-economic statistics that have been collected and compiled by Statistics Canada. The data tables are organized into the following topics:

Aboriginal peoples
Business performance and ownership
Business, consumer and property services
Children and youth
Crime and justice
Culture and leisure
Economics accounts
Education, training and learning
Ethnic diversity and immigration
Families, households and housing
Incomes, pensions, spending and wealth
Information and communication technology
International trade
Population and demography
Prices and price indexes
Retail and wholesale
Science and technology
Society and community
Travel and tourism

You will find over36 million time series that cover every aspect of Canadians’ lives.



Q. If I need help downloading my data, whom do I contact?

R. Click on the “Contact us” button in the top navigational bar to request help with downloading .

Email :



Q. What are my format options for output from CANSIM?

R. Your output format choices include: HTML tables, graphs and spreadsheets with comma-separated values or tab-separated values; and, Beyond 20/20 tables.



Q. How do I know when my CANSIM data is going to be updated?

R. Active tables are updated as frequently as the survey data are released. For example, monthly survey data will be released monthly, annual survey data will be released annually, and so on. The tables contain the most recent data available and include the frequency information. You can anticipate the next updates by checking the last release date and the frequency.

Also, you can subscribe to The Daily for information about new releases in your area of interest.

Or, just check for the dates of Statistics Canada’s major releases at Release dates. .



Q. If I need help with my CANSIM billing (e-commerce), whom do I contact?

R. Click on the “Contact us” button in the top navigational bar to request assistance.

Email :



Q. How do I know I have the right data?

R. As you select your data, follow the instructions carefully. Verify the table and/or time series information listing the title and data variables. If you are not sure if the table(s)/time series you selected contains the variables you need, click on the “Contact us” button to assistance with verification.



Q. How will I know when CANSIM has to go down for maintenance?

R. You will see a message on the CANSIM main page advising you of the date, time and duration that CANSIM will be unavailable.


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