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CMHC for Consumers November 2006

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Home to Canadians for the past 60 years.

Award Winning Designs

Flex Trend

For decades, we at CMHC have been researching building sciences, taking the pulse of the Canadian housing market, querying consumers as to their housing needs and, through partnerships with the industry, marrying market demands with new approaches to building homes. Quality, aesthetics and affordability have always remained core concerns for home-buyers but in recent years, as Canadians have become more informed about building sciences and social issues, and as work and family life have evolved, a whole new set of criteria has emerged to form an obvious trend.

Flex Competition

In 1996, the CMHC responded to that trend by developing the FlexHousing concept and sponsoring a design contest to promote it. Canadian architects, builders and developers came up with exciting concepts. Four winners were chosen. Their work epitomized the FlexHousing ideals, and CMHC is proud to present them to you here.