Housing Outlook Conferences

Facts — Analysis — Forecasts

CMHC's Housing Outlook Conferences offer access to timely, reliable and unbiased information. Each conference program is tailored to your specific local market. Don’t miss a conference near you!


HiCO Quick Start Video

CMHC Housing Outlook Conferences Video

{Visual}: The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation logo appears on screen.  This disappears and an animated title sequence, which reads - Housing Outlook Conferences, Housing Market Information You Can Count On builds on screen.

{Visual}: The screen transitions to a series of still shots of various houses and apartment buildings under construction, or with a For Sale/Sold sign in front of it. The camera moves slowly across each photo. As this is taking place the following is heard.

Narrator:  Housing markets in Canada are constantly evolving.  How are the markets performing? What are the current housing industry trends?  How will the latest economic conditions impact your business decisions?  Staying up-to-date on today’s housing trends and factors that will shape tomorrow's housing market is a significant challenge.

{Visual}: The screen transitions to a shot of the exterior of a major downtown convention centre. This dissolves to an interior shot of a bilingual poster for a CMHC Housing Outlook Conference.  This dissolves to a shot of people at the registration desk for the conference. The shot cuts to the exterior of a convention centre in another Canadian city.  This dissolves to the interior where we see people entering the area where another Housing Outlook Conference is taking place. We cut to a series of shots of various presenters delivering their conference addresses. We see occasional shots of audience members watching the presentations. As this is all taking place the following is heard.

Narrator:  CMHC's Housing Outlook Conferences offer access to timely, reliable and unbiased information to help you make informed business decisions.  As the leading source for housing market information across the country, CMHC can help you to better understand the housing landscape that is taking shape on a national, regional and local level.  Each conference program is tailored to your specific local market. CMHC's team of Market Analysts and Economists will answer essential questions that will help identify new markets and opportunities, and explain how economic, geographic and demographic variables can influence housing market trends. 

{Visual}: Screen cuts to a shot of Gordon Tyndle of RBC Royal Bank on camera

Gordon Tyndle:  For our market and the business we’re in, we want to see MLS sales, we want to look for new home construction, migration, employment and those types of things, to really forecast our sales plan for the year as well.

{Visual}: Screen cuts to a shot of Jim Rivait of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association on camera

Jim Rivait:  Our members are always interested in anything that affects the market, because it affects their decisions dat-to-day.  So the economic part of it and where the market’s going are of particular importance.

{Visual}: Screen cuts to a shot of Alain Villeneuve of RBC Royal Bank on camera

Alain Villeneuve:  I think it validates some of the own information that you’re, as an individual, looking at.  Whether you’re reading it out of the Journal, or the Globe and Mail, or the Post, you glean information and to have that validated on what you’re thinking or debunked for that matter on what you’re thinking, through CMHC is fantastic.

{Visual}: Screen cuts to a wide audience shot as people applaud.  We then cut to a series of shots of conference attendees interacting with each other in small groups, in the hallway or around a table. This dissolves to a map of Canada over which the names of the provinces where Housing outlook Conferences are hosted by CMHC.  These are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland & Labrador. As this is all taking place the following is heard.

Narrator:  It’s also a great opportunity to network with housing industry professionals in your local market.  Don’t miss a conference near you!  To register, or for housing market intelligence you can count on, visit cmhc.ca.

{Visual}: The www.cmhc.ca URL appears on screen followed by the CMHC logo and the Canada Wordmark.  This is followed by the Flickr, Twitter and YouTube symbols and then the screen fades to black.


CMHC’s Housing Outlook Conferences Help You to:

  • understand new trends in the market place
  • identify new markets and investment opportunities
  • determine consumer housing preferences
  • make business decisions or plan your business strategy
  • earn education credit

Who Should Attend?

Lenders, realtors, builders, developers, planners, building suppliers, appraisers, construction services professionals and manufacturers.


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