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February 8, 2006 (3:30 p.m. EST)
No. 9


Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay and International Cooperation Minister Josée Verner today congratulated the people of Haiti on the first round of presidential and legislative elections in their country, held on February 7, 2006.

“While any incidents are regrettable, Canada notes that the few that occurred were largely the result of the logistical challenges posed by the unprecedented voter turnout,” said Minister MacKay. “We encourage the presidential candidates, the political parties and the electoral authorities in Haiti to respect the democratic expression of voters by exercising restraint and allowing the post-election democratic process to proceed in a peaceful and orderly manner.”

“We wish to offer our congratulations to the people of Haiti on their participation in such large numbers in this first round of elections. The determination of voters to exercise their democratic right is all the more noteworthy given the continued difficult conditions in Haiti,” said Minister Verner.


Over the coming days, Canada will look to the final tabulation of the results as well as the assessment of the Embassy of Canada in Haiti. Canada also looks forward to the preliminary conclusions of the international observation missions, including those of the International Mission for Monitoring Haitian Elections, led by Elections Canada.

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