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Protective Services

Protective Services has your safety as its primary focus. The employees here promote and co-ordinate effective fire protection and prevention, and emergency preparedness in the Yukon.

Much of our work is related to educating the public. We inform and teach Yukoners and communities about how to prevent accidental fires and disasters, and in the event of one, how to reduce the damage or the loss of life.

Fire protection

Our goal is to reduce personal and property losses that result from preventable fires. To accomplish this, we promote awareness on fire safety and prevention. We also provide funding to establish and operate volunteer fire departments in unincorporated communities. We help with planning, administration, training for fire emergencies, and we provide infrastructure and asset support.

Emergency Preparedness

We are enhancing how the Yukon prepares for and responds to disasters and emergencies. To do this, we work closely with governments, agencies and Yukoners. We develop, review, test, and implement emergency response plans. We work with the federal government to provide financial assistance for disasters as required, and provide support to complement local governments' resources. We educate the public about how to prepare for emergencies and disasters, and how to reduce the loss of life and property. We also support the many volunteer organizations involved with the Emergency Measures Organization. We encourage Yukoners to become more involved in planning for themselves, and assisting organizations that provide emergency services.

Fire Suppression Program

We are preparing to integrate the Fire Suppression Program for forest fires into our department. The Fire Suppression is currently a federal program, but will be transferred to the Yukon Government as part of devolution in 2003. We are developing an implementation plan for the transition of the program into the department, and are already monitoring and gaining knowledge of the Fire Suppression Program operations.

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 15-03-2005