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How to Use this Site

Welcome to the Public Service Commission Website.  This site is designed to help you get the most out of the valuable resources we have made available.  We have designed the site from a user perspective to make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for.

The site is set up with the major topic areas in the left hand navigation bar.  Major topics  include About Us, Employee Information Centre, Benefits, Workplace Health, Terms and Conditions of Employment, Learning, Leadership & Career Development, Legislation & Policies, Staffing Processes, Diversity in Government, Position Classification, and Employee Performance and Recognition.

The available options for the hi-lited topic in the left hand navigation bar will show up in the right hand navigation bar.  Click on the option that you want to read about. The content for each item is displayed in the middle area.

To help you identify where you are in the site you can refer to the breadcrumbs in the top part of the screen.  For example if you had clicked on the topic “About Us”  the breadcrumb will display as “Government of Yukon > Departments > Public Service Commission > About Us”  

Certain documents on our website are in Adobe Portable Document Format ( PDF), some are in Word. To view and/or print these files, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or better. If you currently do not have this software, it is available for free download at Adobe. Follow the instructions and you will receive the most recent version of Acrobat Reader that is available for your language and platform.


Last Update: 2005-08-26