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Workplace Health

"Safe and healthy workplaces" is one of the programs recently announced in the launch of the "Investing in Public Service: serving Yukon people" initiative.  This particular program addresses the need for the government - as employer to keep pace with expectations and practices in the area of safe and healthy workplaces.   The framework for this program is the Canadian Healthy Workplace criteria.   Using this criteria, program development will focus on:

  • promoting individual and organizational responsibilities for workplace health;
  • developing cooperative workplace relationships; and
  • helping to improve safety, attendance and productivity.

In this section of the website you will find information on our existing corporate health and safety programs, employee health, work/life balance, the employee assistance program, reintegration and accommodation, and the workplace harassment prevention office.

We will also use this section of the website to provide information on enhancements to our existing programs and new initiatives to meet our safe and healthy workplaces objectives.


Last Update: 2005-09-12