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A Message from the Hon. Glenn Hart

hart.jpgWelcome to the Department of Community Services.

Our staff is well known to Yukoners because so many of us work directly with the public in libraries, in Motor Vehicles, and at the Inquiry Centre desk at the main YTG building. We provide municipal type services in rural areas and work with community groups throughout the Yukon to provide funding and organizational support for sport and recreation, land planning and development, and local administration. We work to protect and serve the interests of Yukoners as citizens, consumers, homeowners, business people and employees during everyday transactions in the marketplace as well as in emergency situations.

Our customers and stakeholders are important to us and we're committed to providing professional, timely, and courteous customer service that results in high satisfaction levels for individuals, businesses, First Nation governments and people, non-government organizations and communities. Service delivery improvements are our goal, including electronic and e-government initiatives, to better meet Yukon people's needs and expectations for more flexible and convenient access to government.

Please explore our web site for information on the whole range of services and programs we offer. I invite you to contact us for more information or to share your views on service improvements.


Glenn Hart, Minister of Community Services

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