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Community Services

Yukon Government Administration Building
Fax: 393-7400
Minister HART Glenn 667-8629
Executive Assistant YOUNG Christopher 667-8629
Administrative Assistant PEARSON Darlys 667-8655

410H Jarvis St. (upstairs)
Fax: 393-6274
Deputy Minister TREMBLAY Marc 667-5155
A/Secretary to Deputy Minister DEVANT Silvia 667-5155
Coordinator - Ministers of Sport Conference (May - Oct 31) BAKER Sheila 667-8986
A/Corporate Administrative Assistant GREENWAY Leah 667-5144

Corporate Policy & Communications for Community Services, Yukon Housing Corp. & Yukon Liquor Corp.
410H Jarvis Street (upstairs)
Fax: 393-6404
Assistan Deputy Minister BOYD Dan 667-3224
A/Administrative Assistant to ADM CLARKE Yvonne 667-5650
Communications & Policy Analyst CALDWELL Doug 667-8065
Communications & Policy Analyst HARWOOD Nathalie 667-5075
Policy Analyst HUREAU Laura 393-7461
Communications Analyst LANG Laura 667-5941
Communications & Policy Analyst LECAMP Janet 667-5865
Policy Analyst LEWIS Cathleen 667-3076
Policy Analyst MOREAU Manon 393-7490
Communications Officer NIKITIUK Diane 667-8437
Policy Analyst ROSKE Krista 667-5261
VACANT 667-3054

Finance, Systems, & Administration for Community Services, Yukon Housing Corp. & Yukon Liquor Corp.
2nd Floor, Lynn Building, 308 Steele Street
Fax: 393-6264
Director, Shared Services CHERINET Temes 667-5311
Manager, Program Review & Corporate Administration McLACHLAN Jerry 667-8694
Finance & Administrative Assistant ARISS Carrie 667-5908
Records Officer COPELAND Phyllis 667-8493
Corporate Records Officer CURRIE Brian 667-8938
Manager, Financial Planning & Reporting TRAVERSE Glen 667-5921
Senior Finance and Budget Officer BUDZINSKI Michelle 667-3133
Systems Accountant RITCHIE Bill 667-3117
Finance & Budget Officer GALLAGHER Corrine 667-5329
A/Contract Administrator/Purchaser SENGER Sheila 667-5796

Fax: 393-6264
Manager, Information Systems LEONARD Sylvie 667-3451
Network Analyst JOHNSON Robin 667-5740
Network Support JAMES Diane 667-8919
Systems Administrator MURRAY Kelly 667-5145
Business Analyst POHLE Andreas 667-5112
Systems Administrator ROBINSON Alexander 667-5088
Manager, Accounting Services VACANT 667-3704
Financial Operations Clerk BELEC Chantal 667-8932
A/Financial Operations Clerk KANE Charlotte 667-5891
Supervisor, Corporate Accounting CARRUTHERS Hugh 667-5373
Financial Operations Clerk CEBULIAK Ruth 667-5219
Financial Officer COFER Anne 667-3724
Financial Operations Clerk MALTBY Deb 667-3452
Financial Officer McCORMICK Debi 667-8638
Financial Officer ROBINSON Michelle 667-8492
Supervisor, Accounting Operations RUSSELL Susan 667-8041
Financial Operations Clerk SCHOLZ Huguette 667-5757
Financial Operations Clerk SKRUTKOWSKI Adam 393-7420

Human Resources Branch for Community Services, Yukon Housing Corp. & Yukon Liquor Corp.
410D Jarvis St.
Fax: 393-6933
Director ZIMMERMAN Ellen 667-5667
A/Human Resources Advisor ALLARD Carmen 667-5310
Human Resources Advisor ANDRE Diane 667-8265
Supervisor, Staffing & Administration HARRIS Melanie 667-8263
Pay and Benefits Assistant SCHNEIDER Jill 633-7953
Pay and Benefits Assistant SEIFERT Sue 667-8931
Human Resources Advisor TOMLIN Judy 667-8272
Staffing Officer WEIGAND Sharon 667-3131

Yukon Government Administration Building
Fax: 393-6216
Assistant Deputy Minister MAGNUSON Eric 667-5707
A/ADM Assistant BASSETT Tina 667-3534

Information & Support Services

Fax: 393-6216
Manager SCHULTZ Jessica 667-5702
Financial Officer BAXENDALE Cheryl 667-3598
Financial Assistant FREESE Megan 667-5827
Administrative Assistant GRANT Julie 667-5268
Administrative Assistant HANSEN Brenda 667-8945
Administrative Assistant SCHNEIDER Heather 667-3433

Inquiry Desk

Fax: 393-6295
Customer Service Representative (Bilingual) DESFOSSES Sylvie 667-5812
Customer Service Representative WHITE Fay 667-5811

Community Affairs Unit

Fax: 393-6216
A/Director TUCKER Cynthia 667-8684
Community Advisor CLARK Shirley 667-5154
Community Advisor DeLORENZO Anthony 667-5665
Community Advisor HALE Michael 667-5306
A/MRIF/CSIF Coordinator MEURER Jennifer 667-8954
Community Affairs Technician MCGOVERN John 667-8559
Community Technical Support Officer REID Nancy 456-3816
Community Advisor VACANT 667-8954

Community Land Planning Unit

Fax: 393-6258
General Inquiries 667-8945
Director STETKIEWICZ George 667-3530
Co-ordinator, Cartography and Drafting BERKEN Denese 667-3515
Land Use Planner KOH Glenda 667-5299
Land Use Planner McINTYRE Jerome 667-8877
Subdivision Land Use Planner LINTON Judy 667-3531
Development Assessment Analyst & Coordinator QUOCK Alanna 456-3804
Cartographer/Researcher SHERSTONE Andrew 667-5305

Community Infrastructure Unit

Fax: 393-6216
A/Director MOLLOY Pat 667-5425
Manager, Operations & Programs BIDNIAK Terry 667-3597
Community Operations Supervisor ALBISSER David 667-5269
Program Manager BOEHMER Jeff 667-3553
Program Manager PRENTICE Laura 667-5194
Community Operations Supervisor McINROY Pat 667-5195
Program Manager RITCHIE Brian 667-3093
Program Manager SARSON Kriss 667-8992
Chief Surveyor SEAMAN Douglas 667-5642
Survey Crew Chief FREEMAN Yanik 667-5642
Project Inspector SINGH Swaran 667-5153
Mosquito Control Building 667-3760

Property Assessment & Taxation Unit

Fax: 667-8276
Director GEREIN Gerry 667-5234
Property Assessor CUMMING Terry 667-8275
Senior Property Assessor EBY Kelly 667-5266
Property Assessor JOE Tammy 667-5236
Property Tax Administrator NUGENT Paula 667-5118
Owner Grant Clerk REYNOLDS Sandy 456-3868
Assessment Technician ROBSON Clare 667-8277
Assessment Program Assistant TOOLE Patti 667-5267
Property Assessor VACANT 667-3635

Public Libraries Unit
Fax: 393-6333
Library, Meeting Room & Internet Bookings 667-5239
(afternoons, evenings, weekends) Reference Desk 667-3668
Director, Public Libraries OUROM Julie 667-5447
A/Circulation Supervisor ALLEN Don 667-8937
Library Assistant BRADLEY Liz 667-5239
Library Assistant EKHOLM Faye 667-5239
Library Assistant GERRAND Linda 667-5239
Technical Services Librarian HAWCO Debbie 667-3467
Library Assistant HAYDUCK Barb 667-5239
Finance & Administrative Assistant KIRKWOOD Liz 667-8062
Public Programs Librarian MACRAE Mairi 667-5228
Library Assistant MARCHAND Patricia 667-5239
Library Assistant MEEKINS Shannon 667-5239
Library Assistant O'NEILL Genevieve 667-5239
Librarian STEPHENS Jennifer 667-8621
Reference Services WICKETT Joy 667-8900
WPL Librarian VACANT 667-5448

Community Libraries

Beaver Creek Community Library 862-7622
Burwash Landing Community Library 841-4707
Carcross, Isabelle Pringle Community Library 821-3801
Carmacks Community Library 863-5901
Dawson Community Library 993-5571
Faro Community Library 994-2684
Haines Junction Community Library 634-2215
Mayo Community Library 996-2541
Old Crow Community Library 966-3031
Pelly Crossing Community Library 537-3041
Ross River Community Library 969-2909
Tagish Community Library 399-3418
Teslin Community Library 390-2802
Watson Lake Community Library 536-7517

Sport & Recreation Unit
Sport Yukon Building - 4061 4th Ave.
Fax: 393-6416
General Inquiries 667-5254
Director THOMSON Karen 667-5608
Administrative Assistant LUFT Deanna 667-5254
Sport Consultant HAGGARD Vern 667-5606
First Nations/Community Recreation Consultant KELLY Charly 667-5227
Community Recreation Consultant MCHALE Denise 667-5924
Active Living/Community Recreation Consultant MEIKLE Sue 667-8729
Community Recreation Consultant MILNER Chris 667-3778

Canada Winter Games 2007
410H Jarvis St.
Fax: 393-6404
A/Manager, Special Projects HARACH JoAnne 667-8657
Project Manager, Athlete's Village FRASHER Mike 667-5987

The Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre 3rd Floor, 2130 Second Avenue, Y1A 5H6
Fax: 667-3609
General Inquiries 667-5111
Director KOZMEN Dale 667-8290
A/Supervisor, Branch Administrative Services COOMBS Michelle 667-5486
Administrative Assistant LUCAS Tamara 667-5944
Administrative Assistant KELLAND Tami 667-5111
Records Clerk NELSON Cristina 667-3577

Yukon Government Administration Building
Fax: 393-6249
General Inquiries 667-5741
A/Program Analyst AMSON Debbie 393-7480
Administrative Assistant LEDYIT Kathy 667-5828
Imaging Clerk LEMIEUX Lori 667-8300
Administrative Assistant WYATT Theresa 667-3787

Building Safety
Yukon Government Administration Building
Fax: 393-6249
General Inquiries 667-5741
Building Inspections
Chief Building/Plumbing Inspector DUECK Stan 667-5445
Building/Plumbing Inspector SCOTT Pat 667-5094
Building/Plumbing Inspector, Dawson City BRAMADAT Ron 993-5803
Dawson City Fax 993-6031
Building/Plumbing Inspector,Watson Lake KROEKER Michael 536-2736
Watson Lake Fax 536-2716
Electrical Inspections
Chief Electrical Inspector EINARSON John 667-5485
Electrical Inspector (June-Nov. 24) EYOLFSON Brian 667-8038
Electrical Inspector LAFFERTY Matt 667-5443
Mechanical Inspections (Gas/Boiler/Elevator)
Chief Mechanical Inspector PRICE Daniel 667-5765
Boiler/Elevator Inspector SPEISS Robert 667-5825
Gas Inspector YOUNG Del 667-5845

Consumer Services
The Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre 3rd Floor, 2130 Second Avenue, Y1A 5H6
Fax: 667-3609
General Inquiries 667-5111
Manager, Consumer Services CHARBONNEAU Fiona 667-5257
Consumer Relations Officer MACKENZIE Ruth 667-5830
Consumer Relations Officer ALLEN Roberta 667-5360
Licensing & Intake Officer STEINBACH Diana 667-5940
Licensing & Intake Officer LOVERIN Cindy 667-5284
Consumer Relations Officer BROWN David 667-5212

Corporate Affairs
The Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre 3rd Floor, 2130 Second Avenue, Y1A 5H6
Fax: 393-6251
General Inquiries 667-5314
Manager/Registrar BOYD Bette 667-5225
Deputy Registrar HORTE Rhonda 667-5005
Corporations LEWIS Valerie 667-5442
Personal Property Security MATECHUK Judy 667-5223
Societies/Business Names/Partnerships McCUTCHEON Jacqualyn 667-5314

Labour Services
The Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre 3rd Floor, 2130 Second Avenue, Y1A 5H6
Fax: 393-6317
General Inquiries 667-5944
Manager, Labour Services WILCOX Bill 667-5259
Employment Standards Officer THOMSON Lee Ann 667-8028
Labour Services Officer GIGNAC Darcie 633-7969
Labour Services Officer VACANT 667-3425

Board and Council
2nd Floor, Lynn Building, 308 Steele St. Driver Countrol Board email - Yukon Medical Council email -
Fax: 393-6483
Board & Council Coordinator BALSAM Dee 667-3774

Motor Vehicles
1st floor, Lynn Building, 308 Steele St.
Fax: 393-6220
General Inquiries 667-5315
A/Manager BABINEAU Réjean 667-5313
Registration Clerk ANDISON Robb 667-5173
Supervisor Licensing BENDERA Tracy 667-8224
Graduated Driver's Licence Coordinator BLACK Colin 667-5698
Supervisor, Registrations BOWERS Mark 667-5889
Operator Licensing Clerk HISCOCK Jodi 667-5722
Operator Licensing Clerk EVANS Trish 667-3638
Operator Licensing Clerk FULLER Dawn 667-3489
National Collision Data Base Administrator GATTIE Sharilyn 667-8217
Driver Sanctions Coordinator GRAY Carey 667-3563
Registration Clerk JAMNICKY Catherine 667-8743
Senior Driver Examiner OWEN Grant 667-5873
A/Registration Clerk SAWRENKO Gwen 667-5836
Territorial Agent Liaison Clerk DAVIGNON Keeley 667-5711

91790 Alaska Highway, Y1A 5X7
Fax: 667-3191
General Inquiries 456-3845
Assistant Deputy Minister BOYD Dan 667-3224
Director COLBERT Ken 456-3904
Manager, Special Projects MARCH Darrell 456-3956
Administrative Assistant VENASSE Adriana 393-7409

Emergency Measures Organization
2nd floor, Combined Services Bldg 60 Norseman Rd, Airport Email:
Fax: 393-6266
24 Hour Service 667-5220
Emergency Toll Free 1-866- 985-6636
Business Hours Service Admin Toll Free 1-800- 661-0408
Manager, EMO DEACON Erin 667-5220
Office Coordinator HUFF Debbi 667-5220
Planning/Training Coordinator ADAMS Ron 667-5220
Emergency Planning Officer SETTLE Gord 667-5220

Fire Marshal
91790 Alaska Highway, Y1A 5X7
Fax: 667-3165
Fire Marshal DOBBIN Marty 667-5217
Fire Inspector TAYLOR Kevin W 667-5230
Fire Inspector SMITH James 667-8236


Fax: 667-3191
Manager, Branch Administration BLANCHARD Lynda 456-3971
Administrative Assistant BELL Audrey 456-3845
Administrative Assistant SPARKS Marlene 456-3874
Financial Assistant VACANT 393-7598

Wildland Fire Management

Fax: 667-3191
General Inquiries 456-3845
Head, Fire Management SPARKS Mike 456-3964

Air Operations

Fax: 393-7416
Air Operations Supervisor HARRIS Lorne 667-3215
Air Attack Officer (Apr-Sept) BOLAND Christopher 667-3184
A/Air Operations Admin Officer LAWRIE Kristine 456-3836
Air Attack Officer (Apr-Sept) NEHRING Walter 667-3184


Fax: 668-5160
Telecommunications Officer MARSHALL Vern 667-3169


Fax: 667-3191
Coordinator JENNEX Fred 667-3013
Firesmart Officer (Oct-Mar) BOLAND Christopher 667-3129
Firesmart Officer (Oct-Mar) NEHRING Walter 667-3128

Planning Section

Science & Planning Supervisor BEAVER Al 456-3966
GIS Technician ADAMS Jason 456-3905
Meteorologist GREEN Don 456-3975
Prevention Coordinator MILNE Dave 456-3970
Training Coordinator TRUDEAU Gerry 456-3962
Fire Information Officer WEBBER Paula 393-7415

Territorial Fire Warehouse - Wildfire Operations

Fax: 667-3148
Warehouse Supervisor COPELAND Patrick 667-3230
Storesperson FOX Alex 667-3167
Storesperson (May-Aug) GROENEWEGEN Johan 667-3229
Small Motors Mechanic LOCKE Chris 667-3186

Wildfire Operations

Fax: 667-3148
Supervisor, Wildfire Operations TEMPLETON Michael 667-3181
Logistics Coordinator CAMPBELL Colin 456-3969
Information Clerk CRAWFORD Marlene 456-3941
Information Clerk HAUGHTON Donna Marie 456-3941
Senior Information Clerk SPENCE Catherine 456-3941

Klondike District Dawson City Dawson City
Rm. 103 - 1242 Front St. PO Box 279, Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0 Fax: 993-5940 Tanker Base Fax: 993-5763 Fire Centre
Fax: 993-6233
Zone Protection Manager BAIKIE Dan 993-5752
Area Protection Officer (Apr-Sept) JABBAR Sadie 993-5992
Zone Fire Clerk JOHNSON David T 993-5752

Kluane District Haines Junction Haines Junction
Km 143 Haines Road, PO Box 5370, Haines Junction, YT Y0B 1L0 Fax: 634-7060 Fire Centre
Fax: 634-2675
Zone Protection Manager TROTTER John 634-7061
Area Protection Officer (Apr-Sept) HOOVER Brian 634-7061
Zone Fire Clerk (Apr-Sept) MADLEY Vicky 634-7061

Tatchun / St. Cyr District Carmacks
Corner of River Drive & Nansen Road PO Box 132, Carmacks, YT Y0B 1C0
Fax: 863-6604
Zone Protection Manager DONOVAN Mark 863-5271
Zone Fire Clerk (May-Aug) MAISONNEUVE Johanne 863-5271
Area Protection Officer (Apr-Sept) VACANT 863-5271

Ross River
Lot 90 General Delivery, Ross River, YT Y0A 1C0
Fax: 969-2610
Area Protection Officer MURRELL Brian 969-2243
Zone Fire Clerk WONDGA Linda 969-2243

Northern Tutchone District Mayo Mayo
Block 35, Lots 1-2 PO Box 100, Mayo, YT Y0B 1M0 Fax: 996-2805 Tanker Base
Fax: 996-2176
Zone Protection Manager HUTTON Donald 996-3200
Zone Fire Clerk (May-Aug) BUYCK Teri 996-3200
Area Projection Officer (Apr-Sept) VACANT 996-3200

Southern Lakes District Whitehorse (729/918) Whitehorse (729/918)
Mile 918 Alaska Highway, Whitehorse
Fax: 393-7404
Zone Protection Manager HAMILTON Scott 456-3901
Area Protection Officer (Apr-Sept) KATHREIN James 667-3143
Zone Fire Clerk (Apr-Sept) THOORS Livia 456-3831

Km 1246 Alaska Hwy. PO Box 97, Teslin, YT Y0A 1B0
Fax: 390-2682
Area Protection Officer (Apr-Sept) COTE Doug 390-2658
Administrative Assistant CLARK Minnie 390-2658

Tintina District Watson Lake
310 Airport Rd. PO Box 289, Watson Lake, YT Y0A 1C0
Fax: 536-7137
Zone Protection Manager DUMAS Gordon 536-2005
Area Protection Officer (Apr-Sept) CORRIGAN Shawn 536-2005
Zone Fire Clerk (Apr-Sept) MONGEON Louyse 536-2005