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Change of Address

How can I change my address with the government?
Where can I get the form?
Where do I send the completed form?
When will my address be changed?
How long does it take?
Can I submit the form on-line?
Do I need to use this form to change my address?
Can I change someone else's address?

How can I change my address with the government?

By completing just one change of address form, you can notify many territorial government offices and the City of Whitehorse that you're moving.

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Where can I get the form?

You can pick up the change of address form from any Yukon Government office, Territorial Agent, Territorial Representative or the City of Whitehorse, ask us to mail you one, or print the form.

Forms are available for individuals and businesses. The on-line forms are in pdf format and are in English or French. Instructions are included. To view and print print the forms you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

For individuals: Change of Address form English or French
For businesses: Change of Address form English or French

You can also pick up the form from any Yukon Government office and from the City of Whitehorse, or you can ask us to mail you one.

Click here to look at all Government of Yukon on-line forms.

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Where do I send the completed form?

You can drop off the form at any government office in the Yukon.

You can mail or fax the form to:

Inquiry Centre
Government of Yukon (C-21A)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Fax: (867) 393-6295

Once the form is received the Inquiry desk staff will forward to appropriate departments.

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When will my address be changed?

Your address will be changed within 5 business days or by the date specified on the form.

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How long does it take?

Once the Inquiry Centre receives the information, the changes are made within five business days.

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Can I submit the form on-line?

Not yet. We hope to add this service, and will update this web-site once it is in place. For now, you can fill it out on-line but we need you signature before we can change your address records.

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Do I need to use this form to change my address?

No. You can use this service or you can visit each of the offices that provide you with a service. The choice is up to you.

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Can I change someone else's address?

No. The service is intended to change your address and the address of members of your household (your dependents and spouse). Any other person who is changing his or her address should supply his or her own information.

Change of Address Contents

Change of Address Forms

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 18-03-2005