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Consumer and Safety Services

Consumer and Safety Services is responsible for consumer services, regulation and enforcement, in support of a fair and effective marketplace in the Yukon. We enforce regulations that contribute to a competitive Yukon economy. We promote compliance with labour standards and provide inspection services to enhance building safety.

What is BizPaL?We are also the first site in Canada to launch the BizPaL on-line service which simplifies the business permit and licence process for developing or expanding individual business enterprises and industry. Answer a few simple questions about your business venture and receive a customized list of the permits and licences you need at multiple levels of government.

Consumer Services

We provide licensing services for qualified professionals pursuant to Yukon legislation, and we encourage business and consumer confidence in the marketplace by providing a consistent set of standards. We administer the laws that set out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants along with gaming licenses for charitable or religious groups, and we deal with any violations.

Corporate Affairs

We facilitate and support business in the Yukon by providing a variety of information and services to businesses and the public. For example, we register businesses and non-profit entities, personal property interests, and inform the business sector and the public on securities and investments. We maintain the registries for Corporate, Societies, Personal Property Security and Securities (Brokers and Salespersons).

Labour Services

We answer inquiries, and educate employers and employees about the Employment Standards Act (the Act covers such things as payment of wages, parental leave, fair wages, and more). We investigate wage complaints received from employees, third parties, and confidential claimants. We consult with employers and payroll specialists about the application of the Act, and we review personnel policies for compliance with the Act.

Building Safety

We are responsible for ensuring building safety meets or exceeds the existing building codes. We issue permits for, and perform inspections on plumbing, electrical, boilers, elevators, and gas interests.

Motor Vehicles

Motor Vehicles supports the safety of the driving public by administering the Motor Vehicles Act. The unit is responsible for all driver licensing and vehicle registration in the Yukon. These services are provided through the main Motor Vehicles office in Whitehorse, as well as through the Territorial Agents at Yukon Liquor stores and the Territorial Reps at the Yukon Housing offices in Yukon communities.

Driver Control Board

This Cabinet-appointed independent Board supports the balance of public safety and individual rights and responsibilities. The Board hears and makes decisions on appeals for driver licence restrictions and cancellations under the Motor Vehicles Act.

Yukon Medical Council

Under the authority of the Medical Profession Act, the Yukon Medical Council is responsible for regulating the practice of medicine and medical care provided by licensed physicians in the Yukon. All doctors working in the Yukon must be licensed by the Yukon Medical Council pursuant to the Yukon Medical Profession Act.

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