Yukon Health Promotion Research Program

The titles listed below form a series of four reports from the Yukon Health Promotion Research Program of 1992/1993.

Report #1: What the professionals say, provides a review of the relevant literature of interest in the consideration of a health promotion survey.

Report #2: What the individuals say, outlines the results of the qualitative research component of the research program.

Report #3: What the groups say, provides documentation of the focus group methodology and results.

Report #4: What the numbers say, presents the methodology and results of the 1993 Yukon Health Promotion Survey.

To view any of the reports, please click on the appropriate title.

Report #1: What the professionals say (PDF, 161KB)

A review of the considerations of the health promotion research program

Report #2: What the individuals say (PDF, 162KB)

A review of what Yukoners say about the concept of health

Report #3: What the groups say (PDF, 155KB)

A review of what the stakeholder groups say about the issues and concepts of health

Report #4: What the numbers say (PDF, 692KB)

A review of the methodology and results of the 1993 Yukon Health Promotion Survey

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