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Challenge Vocational Alternatives

Participants in a Challenge woodworking program gained valuable skills and were able to move into the paid workforce.

Woodworking Training - Photo © Government of YukonThe Community Training Funds helped Challenge to offer a thirteen-week woodworking pre-employment program designed to teach skills for the wood manufacturing or construction industries.

Starting with basic woodworking skills, the group advanced to larger and more complicated projects. Further units introduced them to working in a production environment, learning teamwork, and working on a building site. The culmination of the course was a large integrated production project, delivered under real working conditions and deadlines.

The group gained valuable experience within a real work environment and developed a sense of pride in their achievement and confidence in their abilities.

All four people enrolled in the program completed it and found it very valuable.

"There were many new skills that I learned and new pieces of equipment I got to use. I found the experience of working in a shop setting a great experience," said Kenneth Holcomb.

"This course has boosted my self-esteem and helped me to know that I can succeed. I have transferable skills and an opportunity to continue to improve myself," added Doug Schultz.

Not only did the course improve his skills, it also got him a job after being out of work for almost five years. In fact, all four participants in the program were offered continuing employment in the Career Industries workshop where most of the training took place.

Career is a local community economic development success story. They produce wood products including stakes and core boxes for mining, picnic tables, planter boxes and highway posts for both Yukon and export markets.

"Our sales increased 140% this year, most of that in exports" said Rick Mombourquette, the Manager of Career Industries. "The Challenge program has given us trained and dedicated workers to help us meet this rising demand."

Challenge Community Vocational Alternatives helps adults with disabilities achieve their employment goals. The woodworking program is one of a number of employment programs supported by the Community Training Funds. Judy Basaraba is Challenge's Executive Director.

"The woodworking program met all its goals. All participants completed the program, gained valuable skills, and all were able to obtain continued employment," she said.

"A relatively small investment in training really multiplies to have a big impact. The Yukon gets more skilled workers, more people collecting a paycheque and spending it in the local economy, and it also helps our local businesses and industries grow."

Community Training Funds Pages

Community Training Funds Overview
Fund Details

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